Popped Romi Rains cherry

Written by satchking on April 17th, 2019

Popped Romi Rains cherry Image

Amazing to say the least. she really grabs my nick nice and I could feel lots of nubs. Going very deep almost felt a cooking sensation.

Update on the 2nd June 2019 - The faster I go, the quicker I fall: Flew With Romi… felt amazing with cow girl position, can feel the textures real nice and she's the perfect tightness (with cap fully tight). I probably shoulda loosened it to last longer. The vid I was watching (Heather Night vid I found on a torrent) she was getting fucked top dog. So I went top dog as well and went full force and busted a nut in less than a minute. I was testing a full force fuck as hard as you can go. Yep... I can't do that. The faster I go, the quicker I fall. The vid of Heather was her casting video. I'm wondering if it was her first video ever... it was amazing of course because she is simply amazing!

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