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Giveaway has ended!

Fleshlight Star Cup: Who should be the next Fleshlight Girl?

Join, Vote & Win one of TEN Fleshlights of your choice!


THE GIVEAWAY HAS ENDED. There were over 1100 participants, crazy!! Thank you to everyone who took part in this tournament, I really hope you enjoyed it as much as I did making it. Without further adieu, here are the 10 winners who get to pick their desired Fleshlight.

5 Winners with the top teams:

There were more users who had 134 points, but as stated in the terms, in this case the users who participated/joined the giveaway first have priority.

5 Winners randomly selected via raffle tickets:

CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE WINNERS. You will receive an email shortly with details on how to claim your desired Fleshlight prize.

Stay tuned for December, we will have another giveaway like every year celebrating the christmas time :)!

As most of you already know, this website heavily relies on your input. So to say thank you for everyone's effort and support during this past decade, I'm hosting the 11th giveaway with a twist, a Tournament!

FleshAssist has given away a whopping 57 Fleshlights over the years, and this year we are giving away TEN Fleshlights to TEN lucky winners! Like always, the winners can choose any Fleshlight (or Fleshjack) that is currently sold on the official store.

This event took a lot of preparation and coding (I am a one-man team!), I'd kindly like to remind people that this is coming from my own pocket, as in it's sponsored by me FleshAssist.com; while Fleshlight will be shipping the prizes directly! FleshAssist has always been my passion project and I am humbled by the support (especially as a statistics-nerd) I have received over the years. I ask you to follow the rules, don't try to cheat and ruin the fun for everyone, I will catch cheaters (like every year..). I hope you enjoy this giveaway!

Quick Details

FleshAssist is giving away ten Fleshlights to ten lucky winners. The winners can choose any Fleshlight Girl (or Fleshjack Boy) that is currently on the store as their prize (in stock). The giveaway will run from 26th July 2024 till the 1st September 2024 (both included) and the winners will be announced within three days after that. For full details check out the rules and terms section at the bottom of the page.

How the tournament works

Team Selection Phase: The first phase of the tournament is the Team Selection Phase. After joining the giveaway, you will have the option to select and build your own team of stars. You can pick one group, and five stars for your fantasy team (the stars can be from any group). The stars, and group, you pick will earn you points (not raffle tickets!) based on their performance in the tournament. This phase will last 20 days to give enough people time to find out about the giveaway and create their teams. But don't worry if you missed this phase, you can still earn raffle tickets!

Voting Phase: During this phase, every star will be matched up against another star in a head-to-head battle. You will have the option to vote for your favorite star in each match-up. The star with the most votes will advance to the next round. This phase will last 17 days. Users get raffle tickets for voting on each match.

How to win prizes?

There are two different systems at play here, to make it fair and fun for everyone to win.

Performance Based Prizes (Points)

Based on the performance of your selected stars and group, you will earn points. The five (5) users at the end of the tournament with the most points win.

Raffle System (Tickets)

During the Voting Phase, you will be able to vote on each match on who you think will win! For each vote, you have a chance to win up to 5 tickets. Five (5) winners will be randomly generated from these raffle tickets at the end of the giveaway (the more raffle tickets you have, the higher chance you have at winning).

Point System

  • Team Selection: receive 20 points.
  • Group performance in the tournament:
    • Top Group: 20 points
    • Second Group: 15 points
    • Third Group: 10 points
  • Star performance in the tournament: For each round a star advances, points are awarded as follows:
    • Advance to Round 2: 2 points
    • Advance to Round 3: 4 points
    • Advance to Quarter Finals: 5 points
    • Advance to Semi Finals: 6 points
    • Advance to Finals: 8 points
    • Finals Winner: 10 points

Raffle Ticket System

  • Daily Voting: You can vote on each match-up once per day. For each vote, you will receive up to 5 tickets randomly (the average has been calculated at 2.2 tickets per vote).

Tournament Structure

In this single-elimination tournament, half of the stars are eliminated in each round until one star remains as the winner. With 64 stars, there will be a total of 6 rounds, divided as follows:

  • Round 1: 32 matches split across 8 days (4 matches per day)
  • Round 2: 16 matches split across 4 days (4 matches per day)
  • Round 3: 8 matches split across 2 days (4 matches per day)
  • Quarter Finals: 4 matches split in 1 day
  • Semi Finals: 2 matches in 1 day
  • Final: 1 final match

Good luck!

I hope you enjoy this giveaway, it's a way of saying thank you to everyone that has helped this website to become what it is today. I wish everyone, new and old, with Fleshlights and without, the best of luck!
And finally, as always, your support would be greatly appreciated. If you are going to buy a Fleshlight, consider clicking on any of the banners or Buy buttons you see on FleshAssist. It comes at no extra cost to you and helps me keep this project alive and maintained!


Make sure you allow JavaScript and cookies on this page. If you use an adblocker or scriptblocker, they may interfere with the site (also note I have never ran adverts on the site!). It's also mostly designed to work on desktop, but I did my best to adapt it to work on mobile too. If you have any issues, please contact me via the contact page.


Please note that the stars that win the tournament do not necessarily mean they will have a Fleshlight made in the future. This tournament will not influence Fleshlights decisions on future products. Nor does this mean the star themselves would be interested in getting a Fleshlight made of them. This is all for fun and entertainment purposes only. I chose these stars as they are the most frequently requested stars on here and on Reddit.


This giveaway is free to enter, no purchase necessary. By participating in this giveaway, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined herein and below by clicking the button labeled "Click here to view the Rules and Terms of the giveaway". Raffle tickets have no monetary value. FleshAssist is not affiliated, sponsored, or endorsed by Fleshlight (ILF, LLC). The giveaway is sponsored by FleshAssist, and the prizes are delivered by Fleshlight. The stars (persons) listed on this page do not necessarily mean they are eligible to have a Fleshlight product made in the future. The information shown and the entire giveaway is for entertainment purposes only. The stars are not affiliated with the giveaway or tournament in any way, shape, or form. FleshAssist is not affiliated, sponsored, or endorsed by the stars of the giveaway. All content used for the creation of stars' cards belongs to their respective owners, and FleshAssist makes no claim on the media or information used. All other aspects, including but not limited to, group names, group logos and media, and the tournament structure, are created by FleshAssist and are not affiliated with any other entity. This content is property of FleshAssist.com. Participants must be at least 18 years old to enter. The giveaway is void where prohibited by law in the participant's country of residence. By entering, participants release and hold harmless FleshAssist, Fleshlight, and their respective affiliates, subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, and agents from any and all liability for any injuries, loss, or damage of any kind arising from or in connection with the giveaway. Personal information collected during the giveaway will be used solely for the purpose of administering the giveaway and will be handled in accordance with our privacy policy.



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