Single male, live alone in a single family residence. I always soak my sleeves and lube in hot water before use, there is nowhere near as much pleasure if used at room temperature. I also thoroughly wash the sleeve after every use with hot water and 91% isopropyl alcohol to remove the lube and bodily fluid. I use cheap water based lubricating jelly that I buy essentially in bulk online.
My favorite sleeves are the Stamina Training Unit, The Alien, The Touch, The Crystal, The Zombie, The Swallow, and Joanna Angel's Punk. I am very partial to textures that don't have large sections of smooth surface, the only exception being the last section in the Zombie. I place my priority on the attributes of intensity and stimulation. Since I live alone, I place no importance on how noisy a sleeve is- though none of them are super noisy anyway. Due to the cleaning method I use, I also place no priority on ease of cleaning or drying time. The only sleeve I can think of where these might be an issue would be the Lotus Garden, which doesn't intrigue me anyway.
I use all except the Swallow texture hands free. I have an Eri Nanjo plush doll that I put the fleshlights, case and all- between the dolls legs. There is enough pressure from her thighs and crotch to hold the case in place, and I face the sleeve to her butt side. I then spoon her and have her from behind, both hands free to grope her plush breasts and body. It feels amazing and I can enjoy her in my bed and lie with her after orgasm for a little while, still inside the sleeve.
Found 20 reviews in total
March 10th, 2016 (Tease Texture)
Tera Patrick is a legend, a brand unto herself. I had high expectations for this texture once I saw what it looked like in the tunnel. I am sorry to say this was disappointing. All those crazy looking textures were either not stimulating enough, or too stimulating by rubbing me the wrong way. Also, the labia on this one do not look like they were molded from actual female anatomy- more like they were quickly sculpted with only a two dimensional image to reference. I certainly could be wrong about that, but they don't look as realistic as any of my other sleeves.
Disappointed by the feel of this one, didn't feel enough and other parts felt too much (in a bad way).
March 10th, 2016 (Frankenstein Texture)
This one's okay, I was surprised by how many glowing reviews it had received and by contrast how many negative the Zombie had received. The texture to me is decent, but not super in any way. I go back to this one from time to time and am reminded of why I love other sleeves so much more.
A decent monster, the bride of Frankenstein is dependable but not outstanding in any way. Much prefer the Zombie over this one.
March 10th, 2016 (Misfit-Scorpio Texture)
Joanna Angel is an amazing performer, director, businesswoman. I had high hopes for this sleeve, the picture of the texture leads us to believe it will be crazy good. Imagine my disappointment when I found it to be so-so at the very best. The entrance is beautiful, Joanna has very nice lips. The texture is not really good. Maybe it's too wide for me, not tight enough or something.
Looks can be deceiving, this texture was really lacking in stimulation or intensity for me.
March 10th, 2016 (Mini-Lotus Texture)
This one was a miss for me. You would think that with all the constrictions, this would be intense and great. I find, at least for me that these smooth walled textures just don't stimulate and also lose lubrication quickly. So that's pretty much a kiss of death for pleasure, at least for me. I always enjoy a lotus node, but if that's all a sleeve has going for it it's just not enough.
Too smooth walled, not enough stimulation nor intensity and did not stay lubricated. Also, might give you trouble cleaning and drying this one thoroughly.
March 10th, 2016 (Lust Texture)
You would think from the picture of this sleeve's texture that it would be a thrill ride. I did not find that to be the case, however. I was disappointed with the lack of intensity, and it didn't hold lubrication very well for me either which is a huge problem. There are few things worse than having to stop to re-lubricate, really takes you out of the moment when it happens. That being said, love Jenna Haze- great performer and I will say I like the look of the entrance to this sleeve.
A fleshlight girl sleeve whose inner texture does not live up to the pretty entrance or the awesome actress.
March 10th, 2016 (Bookworm Texture)
So, Kayden Kross is one of those girls that is so hot that it's hard That being said, the entrance is very pretty and has a nice deep funnel type shape leading into the sleeve. The texture, though it looks dramatic I found to be very ho-hum. I am sorry to have to report that, really. I wish every fleshlight girl texture was amazing, in different ways so that you could buy any and be thrilled with it. However, I am finding that a lot of them simply don't feel as good as they look.
Another unique texture that didn't give me much, if any, satisfaction. Still love Kayden, though.
March 10th, 2016 (Bump N Grind Texture)
I really wanted to like this texture, but alas it does not do the trick for me. Let me start by saying the entrance is beautiful, Misty Stone is so very hot. The coloring of the material is nice, too. The vortex texture just doesn't seem to work for me, and the bump parts didn't do much either. At least I have the swallow texture in Misty's likeness, and that one is a thrill every time.
Sorry to say, but this one was a disappointment and did not live up to my hopes or to Misty's beauty.
March 10th, 2016 (STU Texture)
This is a great sleeve to be introduced to the fleshlight experience with, in fact it was the first textured sleeve I owned. I used it so much, and soaked it in my tap water so many times it became badly discolored and got a lot of those sticky grey rubber-like boogers all over it. Needless to say, I now soak my sleeves in bottled water to prevent the discoloration of any other sleeves and have replaced the stamina training unit (STU) with an alien. Sorry for the tangent- moving on, the STU texture is indeed a great endurance builder. If you can last with this sleeve, you must have some great physical and/or mental control. It feels so amazing, I really couldn't imagine anyone not liking it. If you could only own one fleshlight, this would probably be the best choice.
A great place to start, you will be hard pressed to find a texture that is better than this one at being good in so many ways. Great for endurance building, great for quick pleasure, gentle on your member, holds lube well, cleans easy, have you been convinced yet?
March 10th, 2016 (Touch Texture)
Nice, gentle but pleasurable texture to enjoy for usually longer sessions. The "fingers" swirl all around the head and shaft gently, feels really loving. I have never tried to use the vibrating bullets with this, I never felt that it needed it. Great sleeve for simulating making love to a woman who loves you and welcomes you with an amazing embrace. Maybe not as realistic as some other textures, but a great one in my opinion.
A wonderfully loving, gentle and realistic feeling sleeve. Can be used multiple times in a day without fear of soreness.
March 10th, 2016 (Texas Tornado Texture)
I wanted to love this sleeve, I really did. However, as I feared- the smoothness of the large areas on the inside of this sleeve proved to be its undoing; at least in my honest opinion. I could not get this sleeve to stay lubricated, the spiral trenches would spirit all the lube away from my skin. The smoothness of the texture, even lubricated does not stimulate. I do like the counter pressure effect, but it's not enough to make me feel good in the way a fleshlight is supposed to. As underrated as I think Alexis Texas is, is how overrated I think this sleeve is. I think they did not do this pretty lady justice.
I can't keep this one lubricated, and when I do the result is meh. Perhaps your experience will vary, I cannot recommend this one.
March 10th, 2016 (Original Texture)
This is the first fleshlight texture I ever tried. I found that my penis would immediately push the lubrication out of the sleeve, rendering it a dry, textureless hole of despair. Way back when, this was the only "texture" available. I was soured on the brand until years later when I saw they were actually putting textures inside the sleeves. Does anyone actually prefer smooth walls? How, why, who?
Had they never released an actual texture, I never would have returned. So glad they made textures.
March 10th, 2016 (Cyborg Texture)
I didn't like this texture, not enough going on and what was is lost on this reviewer. The areas that have texture are too few and far between. Also, strangely enough- the raised bump-ridges are not stimulating enough while the strange electronic line thingy is too noticeable, though not in a good way. I found it kind of irritating, even with lubrication. The smooth walled sections would not hold lubrication and would stop me mid stroke. I'm not sure who would be able to enjoy this texture.
Did they not have anyone test this one for them before they released it? How can this feel good for anyone?
March 10th, 2016 (Bulletproof Texture)
Ever had an ejaculation with no warning and no pleasure? Neither had I until I tried the Love Humps texture. Some of the weirdest and most perplexing experiences of my life. You may think I am exaggerating when I say no pleasure; I can assure you I am not. The first time, I couldn't believe it- figured it must have been a fluke. However, subsequent attempts produced the same results. Another weird aspect is I would finish almost immediately. Usually, when a texture finishes you quickly it is because it feels so good you can't hold back. With this texture, it doesn't feel like much of anything- and then I have just ejaculated with no build up and no pleasurable sensation.
You may like this if you like very smooth, soft, subtle stimulation. This one is most definitely not for me, strangest fleshlight experiences I have ever had.
March 10th, 2016 (Drac Texture)
As with other very large, smooth shaped textures- I could not successfully use this one. It does not stay lubricated, the spirals just sweep the lubrication away from my skin- resulting in a grinding halt. This happened over and over, after numerous reapplications of generous amounts of lubrication. I am not sure how anyone could use this texture in any kind of pleasurable way. This one was a huge waste of my money, awful.
If you like using tons of lube, re-lubricating, and bland texture- this may just be the sleeve for you!
March 10th, 2016 (Swallow Texture)
Oh my god what intensity! This texture is crazy stimulating and sets me off powerfully. Lubrication tends to leak back out the entrance as I stroke, so this one can be messy. I don't prefer to use this one hands free, as it is easier to re-lube (if I last that long) when stroking by hand. If you enjoy watching pornography in conjunction with your fleshlight, this is a great texture to simulate being fellated by your favorite performers.
Super intense, great for hands on use. Great when used to simulate receiving oral pleasure with eyes closed or with visual stimulation.
March 10th, 2016 (Crystal Texture)
This sleeve is so great for intensity. It has all these different chambers with their own textures, and it really works for me. I have the "Lady" orifice, and the entrance walls hug me like no other. When fully inserted, I can always feel those walls lovingly hugging the base of my shaft. This is one of the most noticeable sensations for me about this sleeve, it feels like it loves me inside it and holds me so longingly. the inner textures are insane and always give me great pleasure. The clear colored gel sleeve gets noticeably sticky, so I find powdering it is a must.
Great intensity, Lady orifice has the best hugging sensation- high recommendation on this one.
March 10th, 2016 (Zombie Texture)
I love this sleeve, got it by mistake and man am I glad I did! I got it when I ordered a Frankenstein sleeve and was so disappointed when this one showed up instead. Perhaps due to the nature of the product, the seller let me keep the Zombie for no charge and sent me a Frankenstein to make it right. I was going to sell the Zombie, due to the awful reviews I had seen online. I wound up trying it, and haven't looked back since. This texture has so much going for it. The first few inches in feel amazing due to the ridges and the lotus node. It is a wonderfully intense section that then leads into the undulating Forbidden section. This part is noticeably less intense, but still feels great. I am always impressed how well this relatively smooth walled section holds lubrication, as a general rule smooth walls and my member do not mix well at all. This sleeve crushed all my preconceptions in the best possible ways. One of my favorites- Zombies forever!
Got a bad rap on some reviews, but I love it.
March 10th, 2016 (Destroya Texture)
This sleeve is too stimulating for me. I have a hard time describing the sensation that occurs when I use it. It is almost painful, almost a tickle- it occurs when I encounter the 45 degree angled "teeth". This is such a distraction that the orgasms don't feel that good, if they occur at all. From time to time I have tried to go back to it, but the same problem happens again. I don't know if I will make any more attempts, not when I have sleeves I love.
I know this one is popular, but it is not for me.
March 10th, 2016 (Punk-Charmer Texture)
This texture is crazy intense and stimulating, always gives me quick ecstasy. I have the Joanna Angel version, nice looking orifice and I was already a huge Joanna fan. This is one of my favorite sleeves, but I can't edge with it at all. If you want a super stimulating texture, you should consider this one.
If you want intense, this is a great sleeve to consider.
March 10th, 2016 (Alien Texture)
Great sleeve, it is a replacement for my stamina training unit (STU) which I loved and used so much I kind of wore it out. There isn't as much variation as I would have thought, but it's still more than the STU. The entrance is nice, kind of acts as a funnel for the lube when applied. The vortex portion does not stand out to me, but the lotus node and the heavenly STU bumps sure do. This one is tried and true for me, love her.
Cannot recommend this sleeve enough, I think anyone would love it as an only sleeve or as a top tier performer in a collection.