Found 25 reviews in total
May 11th, 2019 (Heartthrob Texture)
I'm normally not a fan of a lot of lips but they work on this one for extra stimulation, right at the opening it's tight then has a kinda lotus node that's pretty noticeable follow by the alternating ribbed areas, those give a massage type feeling in my opinion. There's not a lot of variation and its pretty smooth over all but still feels pretty good. It has a fairly real feel to it as well.
Tight but not too tight, fairly real feeling, could use a bit more variation. If you like real feeling sleeves it;s worth having in your collection.
May 11th, 2019 (Mini-Lotus Texture)
It's one of the more real feeling textures but also not very exciting either, very smooth, has good suction, and okay variation. The lotus node is always good and the back chambers are interesting how ever I think they're out of the reach of many guys.
I would say it really depends on my mood.
It's very real feeling with low intensity, not for everyone and I would say very middle of the road.
January 14th, 2018 (Siren Texture)
I won this sleeve during the 2017 felshassist giveaway.
The outside of the orifice is somewhat flatter than most other butt orifice's which isn't a bad thing, it means there is less to get in the way between yourself and the texture inside. It is detailed very well though.
When you penetrate the orifice while the very first part (the outside) is looser than most butt orifices it narrows right away and has what looks like and feels like a lotus node right away and in all truth feels a lot like when you first enter for actual anal sex. You just kinda pop through which is awesome and should be part of more textures. I dare say a lotus node at the entrance should almost be a standard. It's followed by a lot of ridges and bumps in a small area and adds a lot of intensity pulling/tugging in multiple directions at once. then followed by a narrowing in the texture which gets really tight (the whole texture is fairly tight but this is even more so). When you get past this tight section you "pop" through into a wider section that has more bumps that remind of how the destroya feels towards it's entrance. The last part of the texture will be probably unreachable by most but it's only okay so they wont miss much. Finally the suction on this is unbelievable, out of all of my sleeves it has the highest amount.
In short it's a really good texture for those looking for intensity and are not concerned about realism. This is one of the few textures that anything past what the average man can reach isn't really a loss since the best parts are the first 6 inches by far. The tight entrance and lotus node are AMAZING. I would put this as one of my best sleeves and would recommend it to anyone who likes Destroya, Bi-Hive, Reign, and Danger.
December 17th, 2017 (Reign Texture)
The orifice has a bit of a gape to it, which isn't really an issue because normally the butt sleeves are a bit tight on me (little above average girth). On to the texture, the thatching/width changes at the entrance are one of the best feelings I've had. The way it pulled on my shaft and the feeling of pushing/pulling my head through was extremely stimulating and intense. From there moving into the next section with the wide rectangular ridges were a bit smooth but felt great on my head. Finally at least for me the tight section between the 5-6inch mark was the perfect way to follow the previous sections (I could only hit the start of the teeth/nubs after the tight section but not enough to review them). It didn't matter if it was long or short, fast or slow strokes it was intense start to finish. As far as the climax goes, absolutely one of the best, easily top 3 climax's.
In hind sight I wish I woulda got this one sooner, intense, stimulating and a strong finish. without a doubt it's one of my top/favorite sleeves now.
December 12th, 2017 (Angel Texture)
The orifice on this one is pretty god, the lips are snug and add to the penetration "lips that grip". The spiral is smooth and I dont feel much other than just a tight section if I'm going fast but if I slow down I feel each line of the spiral and that's much better. The nubs right after the spiral felt good against the bottom of my head when I went past them, I didn't notice the really tiny bumps in the chamber before the spiral much other than just a tightened section and lastly for me at least the part thats between the 4 to 6 inch mark was only okay.
For me it's sleeve that works best when going slow which has it's place but not a general use texture for me, the orgasm was maybe average but nothing like what several other sleeves have done for me.
December 11th, 2017 (Zone Texture)
The orifice is tight even for a butt sleeve and the texture it's self opens up just a little which is fairly similar to anal sex. I could feel the small close packed bumps and with the width change they were smooth with a mild intensity, the ridging on the "top" and "bottom" were less noticeable than I thought they would be at first. I ended up rotating the sleeve to be on it's "side" so the bumps would would be on the top and bottom of my member and the ridging would run up/down the sides and catching both sides of my heads rim which worked out well. The middle chamber looks like the back of a lotus and adds a nice breaking through in the texture. For me lastly the crossed thatch section, it was too close together for me to notice it, just felt smooth.
Over all it's a decent sleeve, somewhat smooth and a very mild intensity. I would say an edging sleeve or a warmup sleeve. I don't think it will be in my main rotation but a decent "change of pace" texture.
December 9th, 2017 (Bigfoot Texture)
Let me start by saying I have an alien but no stu so I already had an idea of what this sleeve would be like, stu but bigger. It looked interesting though because of the larger bumps and slight spaced out in a spiral. The orifice is detailed (some guys like big labia, I am not one of them) while I may not be a fan of what it looks like I don't really look at it anyway so no biggie there. One thing that caught me by surprise was the large and textured labia, it's the first time I enjoyed just stroking the entrance and rubbing around the labia. When I first entered it wasn't too tight by any stretch but the large bumps quickly fill in space. While similar to the stu it's nothing like it. The large bumps are soft and the spaced out spiral gave me an incredible massaging feeling that felt like it pulled me in. It's worth noting As well once suction built up it was doing the pulse/grab that the tornado does but with the bumps, it felt like they were popping back against my head just a little every time I pulled back. The variation in width is probably part of it.
In short while it looks similar to an STU it's nothing like it, the labia visually are not for me but really add to penetrating, it's soft, massaging, pulls you in and the bumps popped back against my head just slightly when pulling back. I recommend this sleeve and it's safely now one of my top ones.
December 9th, 2017 (Forbidden Texture)
This review is for the Christy Mack version, I got it as a free mystery sleeve. the orifice looks good and it has a very realistic feel of when you first penetrate during anal sex, I wasn't fond of the ribbing in the front, it could have been space out more or a bit irregular maybe? The back end of the sleeve though is awesome. Between this sleeve and my previous freebie the cyborg I've figured out the close in repeating ribbing is not for me unless it changes shape/pressure.
A very close replica of anal sex, it wont be in my main rotation but will be good to toss in every now and then.
December 8th, 2017 (Alien Texture)
The blue color of the sleeve is nice and the case is also a nice blue.
The orifice is unique and detailed, the shape actually makes entering easy and kinda squeezes your head a bit before even entering (if your is wide enough).
It's tight on entrance but the vortex section is looser than the actual vortex sleeve (I have that one as well) I wish they had made this section shorter, the vortex closer together and tighter. The vortex is followed by a lotus node (nice) and then to STU bumps.
I do like the stu bumps, the lotus node, and the orifice but the loose vortex part really throws off the experience.
The material is softer than even the flg line but not sticky like the ice line.
It's a nice orifice and most of the sleeve is good but I could do without the vortex part. Lotus node and stu in one sleeve though.
December 8th, 2017 (Destroya Texture)
What can I say that hasn't been said here and the forums, Stoya Destroya is one of the most popular and highest selling for very good reasons.
This one was one of my original sleeves in 2014, nearly 4 years and 18 more sleeves later it's still in my top 3.
The orifice is amazing (stoya herself is ridiculously hot so makes sense).
Nice and tight on the first penetration, I personally don't notice the tiny nubs at the entrance much but the fangs in the round section, geeesus it's great on the head and shaft. followed by the tight section that leads to more fangs. If you can hit the back section it gets really tight (I can) but to be honest I don't bother with the back section much the first 5 inches are where it's at.
One of if not the most intense textures, stimulating thats extremely fun and almost 4 years later still in my top 3.
December 8th, 2017 (Trigger Texture)
I got this sleeve when it first came out, the larger reverse pointing numbs offer a nice feeling when pushing past them, but are best when pulling out, between the direction they face and the suction it's like it tries to pull you in.
I'm not fond of the smaller nubs, they seem to stand out to much and I have to use extra lube to not notice them as much, I may end up snipping them out.
The orifice looks amazing for sure.
Not my favorite but still fun as part of my rotation, may end up modding to get rid of the smaller nubs.
December 8th, 2017 (Punk-Charmer Texture)
If you want intense this is a must own sleeve. The varied width and varied ring/rib sizes are noticeable and it's very stimulating push past each ring with a nice "breaking" open feeling. This in my top 5 easy (I own/owned 22, threw out the cyborg). When pulling out the ribbing pulls gently on the rim of my head and is probably the best part for me.
Do you like intense? Do you like the under/back side of the rim of your head stimulated? If yes to those then this is a must.
December 4th, 2017 (Vantage Texture)
I got this texture as a free gift in the st.patricks day sale. Very under rated imo. I use it mostly in the shower or with a partner and use a slight twisting method while popping in and out of the back section and that produce's pretty good orgasms.
As a freebie it's pretty good, very underrated. It's good as a quick one off in the shower or with a SO.
December 4th, 2017 (Bulletproof Texture)
Do not let it fool you this is an intense/stimulating texture. I got it looking for a smooth texture I could last a while with and was very surprised at how the changing widths makes this a very intense/stimulating texture. I have the butt orifice but would have preferred the lady orifice.
One of my favorites, it's smooth but intense/stimulating.
December 4th, 2017 (Goddess Texture)
The orifice is amazing, the entrance is tight, opens a little then immediately followed by the massaging section. This sleeve has cause some of my most intense orgasms even figuring in sex. The massaging part of the texture of the shaft is ridiculous, when I use this I repeatedly pull my head back through the tight ribbed section thats around the 5 inch mark and push back to the nubs in the 6" area while letting the early parts massage my shaft.
I can take my time on this sleeve and it doesnt get boring and doesn't make me cum right away, the massage that the early section produce's results in a "milking" me sensation when I cum and it's something else.
December 4th, 2017 (Obsession-Bliss Texture)
I honestly thought it would be better since I really like the destroya. It's okay the bumps on the actual texture look nothing like the picture, the real ones are more blunt and less pointy which is probably why it wasn't as good as it coulda been. The feeling of pushing the bumps though is good.
It's good just not what I thought it would be.
December 4th, 2017 (Texas Tornado Texture)
One of the first 3 I owned and I'm not disappointed. It's a very real feel not just in the texture but through some voodoo or something it squeezes you back much like an actual vagina does. The sensation of the of the dimples on my head along with the changing width makes this my goto realism sleeve and one of my favorites.
If you like real and you don't have this you're missing out.
December 4th, 2017 (Vortex Texture)
The feeling of the vortex on the shaft is where this excelled for me, it felt like it was pulling in several directions at once. You still feel the affect of the vortex on the head and once you have suction built up it grabs you on the way out.
Feels great but woulda probably been better if they alternated the direction of the vortex chambers.
December 4th, 2017 (Heavenly Texture)
This is one of the first texture's I've owned (my first 3 were destroya, heavenly, and tornado) It's tight without a doubt, I don't really notice the gauntlet texture in the entrance much but the tight canal is amazing, a very real similarity to anal sex (why this isn't a butt orifice I will never understand). Through the lotus right before the ribs and it's a good time.
Shoulda been a butt orifice, and with them adding a new Jessica Drake texture they shoulda swapped this to butt like they did with tornado. If you're looking for the closest thing to anal this is it.
December 4th, 2017 (Ignition Texture)
They should get rid of the orifice, not only is a pain to clean but detracts from the overall experience. The rest of the sleeve it's self is great if you're into a more "real" feel. I got the copper but in hind site I woulda got the blue.
The orifice part of this texture makes me not want it in my regular rotation, it's a pain to clean and you feel the rim of the case to easily. I would not count this as a must have and at least for me knowing what I know now I woulda probably got something else.
December 4th, 2017 (Outlaw Texture)
I'm a big fan of Alexis Texas, and her textures look great. I have the tornado as well. If you like "meaty" orifice's you will like how it looks (her's in video doesn't look nearly so large imo but w/e) the sleeve is fairly tight the flaps in the first two inches and the 4.75"- 5.75" mark is where it really shines pushing through and pulling back, the nubs in between and after can be a little rough feeling sometimes, it would have been 100% better if they used a vortex type texture there but overall it's a good one to have in rotation just not my favorite.
overall it's a middle of the road for me, not a go to but something to keep in the mix.
December 4th, 2017 (Indulge Texture)
One of my favorites, it's a hybrid of realism and intensity. The orifice looks great. Between the smooth hugging sections and the nubs it's pretty amazing. The smooth sections hug enough that the nubs are not too intense and the variation in tightness adds to the more realism feel to it. Anyone that can reach the 5.5inch and back section is in for good times.
I would say a hybrid of real/intense, if you're only going to own one sleeve or a small number it really should be on your list. For anyone who has a larger collection, if you don't have it you should, it's unique and has never failed to produce a strong orgasm for me.
December 4th, 2017 (Bi-Hive Texture)
I got this texture back when I only owned 3 other's a few years ago because at the time for an "intense" texture it looked interesting and one of the better reviewed at the time (I already owned a stoya). It is very intense but sometimes feels a bit rough. When I'm in the mood for it, it's one of the best go to sleeves for intense.
It's tight, has a lot of variation and if you're looking for intense this should be in your collection.
December 4th, 2017 (Legend Texture)
It starts out tight opens a little and is followed by a section that feels like you're penetrating but smooth. Overall it's a massaging feeling for me (which isn't bad I just have to be in the mood for it.) The best part IMO is if you look at it's picture about half way you see a rib section shaped like < when sliding back it catches the rim of my "head" just a little, when combined with the rest of the massage feeling really brings it together.
Final thought's, it's less intense than it looks, more of a smooth/massage feel. If you mostly prefer "intense" texture's probably not want you want.
November 28th, 2017 (Cyborg Texture)
I got this as a freebie mystery sleeve in the St.Patrick day sale earlier this year. When I first seen it I was thinking huh this looks like it could be good. I was very wrong..... The cross rib section at the start caused my dick to feel mostly numb.... The longitudinal seams I kid you not left abrasions on my head (which I didn't notice building because of the numbness). I used plenty of lube. The wider ribbing on the sides was good though and the orifice it's self looks great.
It has a nice/unique orifice but made my member numb and left abrasion's despite lots of lube, it is the only FL I've thrown out. I own 18 FL's.