Eden Janice Griffith

Fleshlight Girls
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Eden is the first Fleshlight to be released with a new and beautiful medium toned Fleshskin sleeve. Matching Janice’s pussy perfectly, this lifelike stroker is as tight as the petite star herself. Featuring a combination of highly arousing pleasure points within its chamber, Eden envelops your penis with mind-blowing rings and shafts that will leave you begging for more.


Eden Texture Image

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Janice Griffith Headshot
Janice Griffith

Janice Griffith is the epitome of the young, vibrant, sexually expressive woman that porn fans around the world fantasize about in this day in age. She grew up and gained her street smarts...

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See All 42 Reviews

YellowDog's Review

July 23rd, 2023 by YellowDog

When I first got into Fleshlights back in 2014/15 one of the downsides to them was most of the porn stars on there I didn't know or care for outside of Stoya and it remained that way. I would only really get the Fleshlight for the sleeve more than the star itself. Janice Griffith was the other way around as she has been one of my favourites for awhile and when I discovered she now had her own... Read More

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Fleshlight Girls


Janice Griffith's Pussy

Release Date:

June 2018

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Fleshlight Eden Reviews

Found 42 reviews in total

Intensity 3
Stimulation 4.15
Penetration 4.9
Tightness 3.3
Suction Effect 3.55
Realism 4.9
Variation 3.75
Smoothness 4.7
Orgasm Rating 4.45
Noise 3.5
Lube Use 3.55
Cleanup 3.55
Dry Time 3.7
YellowDog's Avatar

YellowDog's Review

July 23rd, 2023 by YellowDog
Penis Length: 5.5cm Girth: 4.5cm
Owns 13 Sleeves, 5 Ratings, 5 Reviews

When I first got into Fleshlights back in 2014/15 one of the downsides to them was most of the porn stars on there I didn't know or care for outside of Stoya and it remained that way. I would only really get the Fleshlight for the sleeve more than the star itself. Janice Griffith was the other way around as she has been one of my favourites for awhile and when I discovered she now had her own I had to have it.

Normally I tend to buy FLs that are specifically tighter and/or intense but this one looked it it may be more mild but again I got it for Janice. This is the very first time I have reviewed a FL so take that for what it is.

I have had this sleeve for about 2 years now and I have gotten a lot of use of it. At this time I have 5 FLs and I rotate them through from least to favourite unless I really feel like I need to have a mind blowing experience. Janice's Eden is probably one the bottom end of the 5 right now, not last place but 4th sometimes 3rd in rotation. That does not entirely mean it is a bad FL though, after reading a few reviews I actually sort of love it for the reasons some may not like it. The biggest reason its on the lower end of my rotation but one I still still enjoy is because I get something out of it the others don't give me.

It is definitely not an intense FL however some have said it is loose which I think is entirely accurate. Eden doesn't grip you like other FLs that specifically do but, this one for a lack of a better word tickles and rubs in a soft gentle-ish fashion.

The entry point which to be honest is my favourite part of Eden, it's not specifically tight but its small nubs again tickle and graze my head in a very pleasing fashion. It's not like other entry point or at least the ones I am used to where its tight right off the bat. It gently contours to my head but not squeezing it. One of the things I do when I start is I tend to just have my head play around the entry point of the sleeve to replicate getting a BJ (I am fairly sure others do this) and of the 5 FLs I have this one is the most pleasurable for this. It replicated a nice easy BJ and getting starts getting me aroused.

The second part is weakest part and where I think every is getting the loose feeling from. I agree of what my penis can reach in this sleeve this part is my least favourite but even still I can still sort of appreciate how it lightly glazes my head and rubs my shaft. I feel it gently which is pleasurable but I do feel somewhat disappointed in that when I need this sleeve to be tighter it doesn't matter if the cap is on air tight this part is still too gentle when I am building to climax. Its great in a slow build but if you really want to get a good pace going or want to up the intensity this part of the sleeve will let you down.

3rd part is to lotus node followed by the tight block entry which is easily the 2nd best of the 3 spots I can hit. There is a reason you often find a lotus node somewhere in many FLs and it often provides a nice sensation. It feels nice going as deep as I can to reach this one when I am finally going full stroke.

From my experience to get the most of this FL hard and deep tends the be the best way to get good pleasure out of it.

Of my 5 FLs the is the best one for edging, just keeping yourself pleasured but not quite hitting climax unless you really go at it, some may find it boring because they want the FL to work your into the climax and while this one can I feel this one is more relax and enjoy the ride for awhile kind of flight. To be honest of the 5 FLs I have this one is the most realistic to a real vagina, of course everyone and their package is different but to me this one is the realistic that I have had in the over dozen FLs I have owned since 2014.

This is what I would call a chill FL. If you are looking for a tight and intense flight you are not going to get it with this one like you would get with others here. I am not sure it was built to be exactly that. While I love tight and intense FLs I do not regret having this one because some times I like to have some variety in the mix not just FLs that grip me like a vice. It's like our favourite food we may love it but probably not every day. Sometimes I just like a smooth, gentle, chill flight where I can take my time, let this sleeve's gentle and smooth touches slowly work me into a great climax and I have usually had pretty good climaxes from this one. If that sounds like the kind flight you want to be on then give this one a shot or two or a whole lot like me because I love Janice.

Score 3.95 Overall Satisfaction 4.25
2 Thank
Intensity 0.8
Stimulation 1.05
Penetration 0.95
Tightness 1.05
Suction Effect 1.1
Realism 4.7
Variation 2.15
Smoothness 5
Orgasm Rating 1
Noise 4.9
Lube Use 5
Cleanup 4.95
Dry Time 4.9
miamifawkes' Avatar

miamifawkes' Review

December 15th, 2021 by miamifawkes
Owns 44 Sleeves, 42 Ratings, 42 Reviews

General preference is blowjob sleeves, then anal, finally vaginal. Preference for intensity is generally high. Generally use each sleeve at least 5 times before providing a rating

Picked this one up since it had been trending lately on the subreddit.
Thought it had an interesting looking texture. Honestly, it's extremely smooth. You can barely even tell there's any texture.
It's a pretty loose sleeve too. Mild intensity, mild tightness. The exterior is nice. Probably best for edging. But honestly had a hard time finishing with this sleeve, had to switch to another more intense one.

Pretty disappointing sleeve. Loose and texture is almost nonexistent for me. No need to get this one if you already have something like Crush

Score 2.82 Overall Satisfaction 1.95
1 Thank
Intensity 3.7
Stimulation 3.7
Penetration 3.4
Tightness 3.05
Suction Effect 3
Realism 3.45
Variation 3.5
Smoothness 3.5
Orgasm Rating 3.95
Noise 3.6
Lube Use 2.65
Cleanup 3.65
Dry Time 3.8
Joel452's Avatar

Joel452's Review

October 3rd, 2021 by Joel452
Owns 41 Sleeves, 19 Ratings, 2 Reviews

I've used this site as resource for the past year. I can say for myself, it is extremely helpful and better than other sites. Ive found it is the most consistent and after reading others member's reviews for a year. I thought it may be time to contribute now that I have about 15 sleeves.

This was the first sleeve I purchased a year ago and this site is the best resource I've found when building my collection. I go a bit insane when researching these products and after hours of scrolling and reading. This one was the first product I fell on. I liked the color, the different chambers are pretty smooth, and other reviewers said it was pretty close to in-person F&M sex.

That being said, this is a good starter sleeeve. Ive been trying to get sleeves that are different textures. Honestly I do not use this one as much since I've purchased about 14 more sleeves after it but its still a good solid sleeve. It's got diverse textures so you can find out which one is the most pleasurable for you. This one helped me figure out I prefer the large nubs that come at the end of this sleeve. If you prefer large nubs that are close together, I recommend Kimmy Granger's Rebel. If you like the small nubs that come in the beginning. You may like Adrianna Chechik's Next Level or even Autumn Falls' Cream. I found I wasn't to much of a fan of that small gap in the middle that's like an upside down smiley face but it's still a nice change.

So I can't tell you what you like but, you may be able to get an idea like I did after trying this one. Like I said before I prefer Large nubs that are close together but you do you dude. It's your body, explore what makes you feel good. Try getting different textured sleeves. Based off of the sleeves in my heavy rotation my favs are Rebel, Punk, Next Level, Candy, Danger, Sinner, and Tight Chicks. This sleeve comes into rotation every once in a while but not too often.

Score 3.50 Overall Satisfaction 4
1 Thank
Intensity 3.1
Stimulation 3.5
Penetration 4.15
Tightness 3.05
Suction Effect 3.55
Realism 4.05
Variation 3.65
Smoothness 3.45
Orgasm Rating 4.35
Noise 3.05
Lube Use 3.5
Cleanup 3.55
Dry Time 3.35
Smegg's Avatar

Smegg's Review

January 18th, 2020 by Smegg
Owns 50 Sleeves, 13 Ratings, 7 Reviews

Just to add a little context to reviews, I'm approx 6.5 inches in length by 5.5 inches in girth, and therefore I tend to enjoy the looser textures so the end cap is almost always open. As of 2019 I have been able to get my launch to connect to my computer and have found some scripts that match the action to a number of porn videos. One of the genres that I have been "playing" are cock hero scripts, and I have found one or two that I have been attempting to use as a point of comparison with different textures. I have found that letting the launch control the thrusting causes the texture details to stand out much more than if I was stroking by hand. I have also moved over to gun oil H2O which has by far been the best lube I have ever used with a fleshlight (I used to use ID glide, and the Fleshlight brand lube but I beleive the formulation changed and it no longer agrees with me)

To start with the Eden texture has caused me a slight problem, it’s a nice problem to have but is still a problem. It has completely disrupted any and all rotation of other sleeves for several months, as for some reason that even now I can’t be 100% sure of, it just does it for me, not in a rushed way but a gentle and paced way that is ideal for a quick or edgy session depending on my mood.
As for the sleeve itself Janice is the first non “pink” sleeve I own (excluding the unrealistic blues and oranges) and I must say the deep tan colour is very appealing. The detailing on the labia is amazing, and in general is something that ILF has been doing very well with their newer girls. The orifice is every so slightly lower than the texture tube which lets you easily slip in, which is needed as initially she was a little tight. The texture in general is quite tight but the first sections are made up of textures that evolve as it is stretched, until that is you reach the ring before the lotus node.
The first section is in my opinion rather realistic, as when it is stretched out the dots/bumps flatten out and leave an uneven roughness (similar to touching sandpaper but softer) which feels natural. This however changes when you move into the second section of angular nubs, which again space out when stretched but very much retain their shape, which if stroked back and forth on the glands almost feel like light finger tickles. Stroking through this section give a subtle movement or contracting sensation which adds to the realism.
The next sections are where things get even more interesting, the ring before the lotus node is much more pronounced than in the original lotus texture and it only adds to how amazing this node is (and is probs why it appears in so many textures) as it does it’s best to line you up with the middle of the lotus node. This is key as rather than hitting the side of the lotus node and pushing through its more of a very gentle and subtle inversion of the node which initially doesn’t feel like much until your glands clears a certain point where texture is able to slide back to its original orientation and gives a wonderful feeling of the sleeve wanting to pull you deeper inside (but localised to the glans and upper shaft). I am only just able to push into the ribbed/rings section and again due to their structure the rings prefer to elongate with you rather than let you easily pass through them which adds to the feel of the sleeve having some life/movement of its own.
As mentioned, this combination of sections allows the sleeve to be ideal for quick intense sessions or a slow and wonderfully edgy session. The use of the launch with this sleeve has led to some very interesting and enjoyable sessions.

Overall, I would say this would currently be my recommendation to anyone who is looking for a fleshlight but doesn’t know which one to get, and would defiantly be me desert island choice.

Score 3.60 Overall Satisfaction 4.05
1 Thank
Intensity 4.35
Stimulation 4.65
Penetration 4.6
Tightness 3.55
Suction Effect 4.15
Realism 5
Variation 4.15
Smoothness 4.65
Orgasm Rating 4.75
Noise 4.2
Lube Use 4
Cleanup 3.8
Dry Time -
Whiteindian060181's Avatar

Whiteindian060181's Review

May 23rd, 2019 by Whiteindian060181
Penis Length: 3.94cm Girth: 4.72cm
Owns 6 Sleeves, 4 Ratings, 3 Reviews

This is currently my favorite sleeve. The Orifice is fairly tight. further on, it only gets tighter and more pleasant because of the narrows. I don't get to the lotus node unless I take the sleeve out of the case. but that doesn't matter to me because the pleasure I get from the textures from before is great. This is an extremely intense sleeve. hold long sessions with this, then you must have a very good endurance. The orgasms with this sleeve have been much more intense for me than with the other sleeve that I own.

a great intense sleeve. you must be taller than 12.5 cm or 5 inches to enjoy the lotus node. If you are not, then this is certainly a good sleeve if you enjoy tight sleeves.

Score 4.35 Overall Satisfaction 4.65
1 Thank
Intensity 3.95
Stimulation 4.55
Penetration 4.2
Tightness 3.1
Suction Effect 4.1
Realism 3.45
Variation 3.8
Smoothness 2.5
Orgasm Rating 4.45
Noise 3.4
Lube Use 4
Cleanup 4.05
Dry Time 3.95
HornySwitch29's Avatar

HornySwitch29's Review

December 22nd, 2024 by HornySwitch29
Penis Length: 6.8cm Girth: 5.5cm
Owns 20 Sleeves, 16 Ratings, 16 Reviews

I'm 6.8" in length, 5.5" girth, uncut.

This sleeve looks so enticing as you're getting ready to enter. Her pussy lips are so cute and are well represented here. The hole you enter is actually smaller than other pussy sleeves I have and that feels great to re-enter. I also love the way this sleeve looks on my dick in the 'doggy' position. It's pretty tight overall and the first couple areas feel fantastic around the head. What's most amazing about this sleeve is the lotus node it has in the middle. Good lord it feels so good to go in and out of that node. What's crazy is that as you push past that and into the rings, you can still feels the node, and the sort of flaps right before it on your shaft. So you can do short strokes deep and get your whole shaft stimulated. That said, long, deep strokes feel fantastic and varied from beginning to end. Suction is quite high, especially around the node..Jesus. This sleeve is intense in its features and less in its textures so it feels manageable to go long sessions if you want. Yet, it's also manageable to get a quick nut pretty easily. Eden wants to drain you with a mixture of features worthy of its namesake.

If you love Janice, brown girls or just want a must-have pussy sleeve, this one is for you.

Score 3.84 Overall Satisfaction 4.2
Intensity 4
Stimulation 3
Penetration 4
Tightness 4
Suction Effect 3
Realism 4
Variation 3.5
Smoothness 3
Orgasm Rating 4.2
Noise 3.5
Lube Use 3.5
Cleanup 5
Dry Time 2
Adayn's Avatar

Adayn's Review

December 15th, 2024 by Adayn
Owns 4 Sleeves, 4 Ratings, 2 Reviews

First of all, I want to say that this is my "personal review" of this sleeve so maybe for whoever is reading this, maybe he will agree or not with me. Said that, how is this sleeve?? Well...

Appearance: this one was my first pussy sleeve and I liked it a lot of how was esthetically... Rly small lips and tight entrance. In my opinion still looks nice but now there are lot better sleeves to buy or that look better than this one(for example i like more visually Creampuff or other sleeves)

Texture: Well, it is smooth with some variations. The entrance is a bit tight (i like that) but not too loose. The lotus part its the best part of this sleeve so if your penis size is small don't buy it, there are some other better options to try the lotus.

Lube: it uses pretty much... Make sure to apply the times that is needed. For me, the first chamber does a lot of friction so yeah, I personally need more lube.

Cleanup and dry time: Cleanup is easy, where u need to look more is the lotus. Drying time it's fast in general but u have to watch again for the lotus part because normally water gets stuck there and then the dry time can get rly long. Always put your fingers in it to make sure the lotus part it's dry.

It's good sleeve if it's your first time or u like Jannice but it's not big wow, I mean it's a good sleeve to edge (for me does a lot of friction the first chamber and I don't use it anymore) and at same time can make u end rly fast(depends how u use it). The other problem that I have with the sleeve it's the drying time because sometimes it takes more than expected (water gets stuck in lotus) sooo if u want something to dry fast don't buy it.

Score 3.62 Overall Satisfaction 4
Intensity 3.85
Stimulation 3.85
Penetration 4.6
Tightness 4.75
Suction Effect 3.6
Realism 3.8
Variation 3.5
Smoothness 4.6
Orgasm Rating 4.55
Noise 2.75
Lube Use 3.05
Cleanup 3.7
Dry Time 4.2
stephencurry1001's Avatar

stephencurry1001's Review

December 15th, 2024 by stephencurry1001
Penis Length: 6cm
Owns 47 Sleeves, 44 Ratings, 25 Reviews

The Janice Griffith Fleshlight (Eden Sleeve) and My Experience with It

It was a real treat to get my hands on the Janice Griffith Fleshlight—more significantly, the Eden sleeve—not long ago. After putting it through its paces, I give it a solid 4.8/5.

We should begin with the design. Its realism amazed me, and I would rate it 85 out of 100. What first caught my eye was the meticulous attention to detail and the light-brown tint. The toy's pleasant weight enhanced the overall experience. The extra space added to the enjoyment, even though it was more significant than some alternatives. I suppose the aesthetics justify the toy's lack of stealthiness.

User-Friendly Design
To my delight, it was surprisingly easy to operate. In my opinion, it's fantastic. The Eden sleeve has a novel and very energizing touch. If you're new to sex toys, you'll love how easy it is to use, as I did. The aperture is perfectly sized, so getting started is a breeze. I think it says a lot about the design that I was able to get into a groove so fast.

Extent of excellence
I would rate its quality as 80 out of 100. I like the sleeve's snug fit since it gives me the perfect squeeze. I want to know that it will last for a product of this kind. It seemed sturdy and well-made. It worked wonderfully and had a nice balance of firmness and softness. As a bonus, unlike some sex toys, it didn't have any off-putting aromas.

Preventative Care
I always consider how simple a toy is to clean and maintain. Keeping the Janice Griffith Fleshlight clean isn't that difficult. After every use, I used a mild toy cleaner and rinsed it with warm water. I'm glad it dried fast because I'd like to avoid waiting for it to dry before my next session. Keep it pristine by storing it in a cool, dry location.

Last Remarks
In conclusion, the Janice Griffith Eden sleeve is an excellent choice for everyone looking for a sex toy, but particularly for beginners. It's beautiful, it's easy to use, and it provides a fantastic experience. I plan to use it again as evidence of how much fun it was. You should think about getting this Fleshlight if you want something that is both pleasurable and realistic.

In conclusion, the Janice Griffith Fleshlight is fantastic. It will be a welcome addition to my collection, and I anticipate using it frequently. No matter how much or little experience you have with similar products, this one will be pretty satisfying.

Score 3.99 Overall Satisfaction 5
Intensity 3.7
Stimulation 3.9
Penetration 4.7
Tightness 4.65
Suction Effect 3.25
Realism 2.7
Variation 4
Smoothness 2.7
Orgasm Rating 2.95
Noise 2.35
Lube Use 2.85
Cleanup 3.45
Dry Time 3.45
SaintThiccolasXVIII's Avatar

SaintThiccolasXVIII's Review

December 4th, 2024 by SaintThiccolasXVIII
Owns 9 Sleeves, 9 Ratings, 8 Reviews

Hey all, here's another Fleshlight review. I tend to review sleeves on a few factors: variation, intensity, lube usage, and cleanup. That said, I don't always prefer the most intense or varied/complex sleeves, sometimes simplicity is best. I do tend to edge with my sleeves more often than not (not to say that I don't also like a quickie, but you get the idea), which will also affect how I rate these sleeves. Furthermore, I always make sure to break the sleeve in and get a good number of uses (10 at the very least) before I think to write up a review. Just over 6" uncut, to provide a bit of context for my criteria. With all that said, let's get into what you came here for: the review.

I have a lot to say about Eden, and not many of which are bad.

This is a really soft and varied sleeve, she makes for a really good flight. It also helps that Janice Griffith is one of the hottest stars out there (imo). Eden is quite easy to clean surprisingly, but she needs a decent amount of lube--more on that below. Great for edging or going all out, balls-to-the-wall, turbo wanking.

The only downside I've had with this sleeve so far is that the actual hole itself is quite narrow, at least for me. Even when using healthy lube portions, there's a decent chance I'll feel some friction, which can get a bit uncomfortable at times.

Solid sleeve entry. Varied textures, easy to clean, makes you nut in no time. For bigger guys, you may find her to be a bit tight, which can create friction. Other than that, a solid 8/10 for me.

Score 3.41 Overall Satisfaction 3.15
Intensity 4.7
Stimulation 4.9
Penetration 4.35
Tightness 5
Suction Effect 4.95
Realism 3.45
Variation 3.6
Smoothness 3.55
Orgasm Rating 4.95
Noise 5
Lube Use 3.8
Cleanup 4.4
Dry Time 4.7
Rand9919's Avatar

Rand9919's Review

October 6th, 2024 by Rand9919
Owns 30 Sleeves, 15 Ratings, 6 Reviews

6.75 x 6” experienced with real women. Have use all sleeves 7+ times before reviews. Warm in a sink with hot water, always use in case. Clean with water & isopropyl alcohol. Dry with a hand towel and powder before storing.

Size: 6.75” non bone pressed length, 5.5 to 6.26” @ base girth.

I review multiple sites to form an opinion regarding purchasing. Fleshassist provides the most details. I create my own algorithm using data from each site and by combining the data, since ratings are subjective.

Intensity, penetration, stimulation, and tightness are all top level. Initial entry is smooth, then you hit a wall and have to push through, if you have the cap completely closed. How strong is the suction? When you withdraw, the lips are puckered in, and can stay that way for a while. The side pressure is stronger than ultra tight. Yet you can loosen the cap and it becomes much milder. You can control the intensity.

This sleeve took about 7 or so flights before I began to appreciate its strengths. It was on my list to toss.

I was not a fan of the lips, and the texture didn’t seem impressive. I like big lips like Silk and Butterfly …I think because my woman is almost identical to Eden and Creampuff. So, it’s like I already have that. Yet the smaller lips look amazing around my girth…5.5 head to 6.25 at the base. Also, Eden was not in the top 20 on fleshassist, and is currently 39. So,I took a chance on Eden while waiting to get Gomez. But, Eden was top rated on another site so I was curious. It is currently in the top five of my batch. Others are 1)Cream, 2) Silk…amazing for a “loose” sleeve, 3)Tori Black Lotus, 4)Squirt, 5)(Eden), 6)Exotica, 7)Kumzumi. I have to get more usage with Bombshell, Butterfly, Regal, Dopamine, Sweetness, and Dreams Come True. Perhaps in time they will surpas the current top 7.

I was on the fence about buying Eden, but ammglad I did. It is versatile enough to provide supreme tightness and suction, and can be loose enough for edging. The lotus node provides the popping effect, and the bumps at the entrance are great for head or shaft stimulation. Eden took about 7 flights before I could appreciate it. I would buy it again and can recommend it. IMO could be higher rated on fleshassist.

Score 4.43 Overall Satisfaction 4.7
Intensity 3
Stimulation 4
Penetration 4
Tightness 3.5
Suction Effect 3.5
Realism -
Variation 3.2
Smoothness 4
Orgasm Rating 4.8
Noise 4.5
Lube Use 4.5
Cleanup 4.75
Dry Time 4.8
RaccKing21's Avatar

RaccKing21's Review

February 25th, 2024 by RaccKing21
Penis Length: 6cm Girth: 6cm
Owns 10 Sleeves, 7 Ratings, 7 Reviews

The Context - My measurements are 6x6 inches (around 15 cm for Europeans) and I'm uncircumcised. I generally prefer sleeves on the looser side, I use lube that is on the thicker side, and I mostly use the sleeves to stroke, rather than thrusting. I'll use the sleeves several times before writing a review.

The Looks - Eden is actually the first Fleshlight bought, and how the vulva looks influenced my first choice quite a bit. I find it really beautiful, it's very sensual looking, both the lips and the darker skin color. The sleeve also looks really good while you're using it, the lips stretch around you and hug you very tightly. It's one of my favorites in terms of looks.

The Design - The design in the render looks more intense than it is. The chambers go like this - the first one is a slightly tightening tunnel of very small bumps (like zits or something), this is followed by a chamber of blocky protrusions, which lead to a constriction and then a lotus node, the next chamber is several O-ring constrictions, and at last there is a chamber full of large round bumps.

Most people will likely only reach the first three or four chambers. IMO, the lotus node is kinda the main bit, so if you can reach that - you're good. The last two chambers would certainly increase the intesity, but I think this sleeve isn't really meant to be intense.

The Feeling - The sleeve's first two chambers provide a nice snug (but not too tight) caressing sensation, which is followed by a bump/pop of the lotus node. The lotus node feels as if it wants to tease you over the edge, but it stops just short. I can reach the O-ring section, and it also assist in this feeling. Tightening the end cap increases suction and resistance, but IMO it doesn't really suit the sleeve. I usually left the cap slightly loose, so it's easy to go in and out, while still feeling some suction and resistance.

This sleeve feels like it wants you to do full, slow strokes. It's very tender and mild, but not uninteresting. Most of the other sleeves feel best when you put some force into the strokes, this one wants you to be gentle and take your time. It's more like making love than having rough sex. It's suited for edging, but it still manages to keep you on your toes the entire time. If you use FLs while watching videos, I'd recommend using this one with slower, more sensual ones (my recommendation is MyAnny on PH, her vids suit it well).

The Noise - It's fairly quiet. It has the standard vooshing sound, and it might be a bit louder than the other sleeves. Since you kinda want to use it slowly, I doubt noise would really be an issue.

The Lube Use - Really quite good, it doesn't eat up lube, and it doesn't dry out too quickly. A spritz of water every so often is needed, as usual, but not as often as some others.

The Orgasm - Very enjoyable. They aren't ball busting like some others are, but they are very satisfying, which falls in line with the whole sensual feel of this sleeve. It's very gentle, and you can easily stroke through the orgasm. It kinda feels rewarding to finish with it.

The Cleanup - Quite easy, the only bit I'd pay attention to is the lotus node and the O-ring chamber. Those could have some stuff left in them if you don't pay attention. Drying is also pretty quick, as the internal texture is fairly open and doesn't have complex shapes.

Eden is a very satisfying and sensual edging sleeve. I'm normally not a fan of tight sleeves, but this one kinda hits a sweet spot where it's tighter, but it isn't overwhelming. I'd highly recommend it, and I'd wager it's a good beginner sleeve.

Score 4.10 Overall Satisfaction 4.75
Intensity 1.65
Stimulation 1.6
Penetration 1.7
Tightness 1.65
Suction Effect 2.55
Realism 1.65
Variation 1.7
Smoothness 3.45
Orgasm Rating 1
Noise 2.85
Lube Use 2.9
Cleanup 2.95
Dry Time 2.85
fishmann's Avatar

fishmann's Review

February 6th, 2024 by fishmann
Penis Length: 8cm Girth: 6cm
Owns 81 Sleeves, 81 Ratings, 27 Reviews

I'm 7.5L x 5.5W inches-cut, but on a good day I'm 8L x 6W inches. I have a banana penis (more like a ski jump as my curvature is quite severe). I also have a setup so I can either simulate missionary or doggy style (so no hands to enhance the experience and it really does). I use a texture at least 3 times before I write a review. Often times I line up 3-5 textures for same time comparison or just plain fun. I always warm my textures before usage. I tend to use a combination of lube a saliva, because the saliva tends to add a bit more realism for me. My favorite lube is Climax Bursts.

I got this sleeve based on the second chamber and the color. I had not experienced that type off textures, so I thought I would give it a go. This was my mistake, as all the other chamber textures I knew already weren't to my general liking. Anyway, initial entry- a bit tight and the nubs of the first chamber were just plain boring. They certainly got even by making me pour in more lube. Ahh, the next new to me chamber- I liked the resistance and pressure they offered, but the chamber was not long enough for me to bite my lip with pleasure. More of I see your point. The next two chambers- boring, boring, boring. They did provide suction, but I don't need suction for my FL experience. They were noisy too. The last chamber of boulder nubs was surprisingly pleasurable, but they had to overcome the two preceding boring chambers, so my erection would often wane by the time I got to it. I ended up, queuing up Dragon to keep me interested and I would ping pong between the two. I finally popped in Eden just to make my Dragon clean-up easier. I really found this texture rather boring.

Eden was not worth the apple. It ate lube, it was noisy, it required a longer clean-up, and my orgasms were not toe curling in the slightest. I'd have rather resorted to manual labor to save on cleaning. Off to dead storage it goes.

Score 2.07 Overall Satisfaction 0.45
Intensity 2.5
Stimulation 2.35
Penetration 2.5
Tightness 3.5
Suction Effect 2.75
Realism 4.3
Variation 3.3
Smoothness 3.95
Orgasm Rating 4
Noise 3.3
Lube Use 3.7
Cleanup 3.65
Dry Time 1.6
SCLBAS27's Avatar

SCLBAS27's Review

December 12th, 2023 by SCLBAS27
Owns 3 Sleeves, 3 Ratings, 2 Reviews

This was my first fleshlight and it didn’t disappoint. The texture isn’t too intense so it makes for a great edging sleeve that still feels great and leads to incredible orgasms. I went back for round 2 pretty much straight after using it for the first time. It’s a great first sleeve or an amazing addition to anyone’s collection.

Overall it is definitely worth it for any fleshlight enjoyers that are looking for a new sleeve for edging while still having enough stimulation to provide amazing orgasms.

Score 3.31 Overall Satisfaction 5
Intensity 2
Stimulation 2.5
Penetration 3
Tightness 4
Suction Effect 3.5
Realism 5
Variation 3.5
Smoothness 5
Orgasm Rating 3
Noise 4
Lube Use 3
Cleanup -
Dry Time -
Dymistati's Avatar

Dymistati's Review

July 15th, 2023 by Dymistati
Owns 4 Sleeves, 4 Ratings, 4 Reviews

I bought it as part of the first 4 I own, the others being Fit, Peaches and Silk. 5.6 / 5.6 inch size.

At first I was heavily disappointed by this texture, and although my impression of it did improve with use, I would still not consider it anything more than a very middle of the road texture. **The whole impression with this texture is that it is an inferior version of Silk.** Comparing it to Silk I think is very appropriate; it has all the same qualities, except it does all of them worse. I will compare them more in the future, but honestly the most accurate description is just this; an inferior Silk. Definitely don't buy if you already own Silk.

The feeling is very buttery smooth and realistic (like Silk), it is definitely an edging sleeve. Even with the cap tightly on and using minimal lube, it won't be very intense (though that helps if you want to finish quickly). It is tighter and much less intense than Fit (which is my second favorite from my 4 piece collection now, after Peaches). If you're looking for intensity or something special, look elsewhere.

Based on my first purchase, I have two recommendations in general:
1. Believe the hype of the users (especially those of a similar size to you), even if you don't like the star connected to that sleeve.
2. Don't fall for the marketing with the girls and the different shapes and colors. That wears off quickly and you will only be left with the texture.

**An inferior version of Silk.**
Edging sleeve, very middle of the road. Buttery smooth, realistic. People newly coming to Fleshlight might be disappointed with it, depending on their expectations.

Score 3.50 Overall Satisfaction 3.5
Intensity 3.6
Stimulation 3.7
Penetration 3.55
Tightness 3.4
Suction Effect 3.45
Realism 3.45
Variation 3.55
Smoothness 3.7
Orgasm Rating 4.5
Noise 3.3
Lube Use 3.7
Cleanup 3.75
Dry Time 3.6
Lapiz23's Avatar

Lapiz23's Review

May 7th, 2023 by Lapiz23
Penis Length: 5.4cm Girth: 5cm
Owns 20 Sleeves, 15 Ratings, 7 Reviews

What's up? I'm Lapiz, I'm a grad student, hoping to enrich the fleshlight experience for other users. As far as my penis goes, I am pretty average(If not slightly below) in every sense of the word. Five and a quarter Inches in length and just about 5 inches in girth. I will typically review 2 weeks after purchasing assuming usage habits remain consistent, testing includes the usage of the hands free mount. I’ll also test with and without the sleeve warmer, as it greatly enhances the experience in my opinion.

This was the first sleeve I ever acquired and boy, I am still loving this thing. It literally invites you inside when you pull the cap off, having slid in and out of this texture for a while, I can say it's definitely worth a cop. I find it's a slower burn, but the payoff is well worth it. Brilliant with the hands-free mount and this is another texture where I find myself using a very small amount of lube, I like to think it does the work for you.

If you're intrigued and love Janice Griffith, then what are you waiting for? If not, this won't make or break your experience if you intend on getting multiple sleeves.

Score 3.70 Overall Satisfaction 4.55
Intensity 3.25
Stimulation 3.65
Penetration 3.9
Tightness 3.45
Suction Effect 4.3
Realism 4.4
Variation 2.6
Smoothness 5
Orgasm Rating 4.05
Noise 1.9
Lube Use 2.4
Cleanup 3.55
Dry Time 1.95
spnkornelius' Avatar

spnkornelius' Review

May 4th, 2023 by spnkornelius
Owns 27 Sleeves, 8 Ratings, 5 Reviews

I am 7" length, 5.5" girth, circumcised. Before reviewing a sleeve, I will have made at least 6 flights. I have found some textures to become more noticeable after several flights. My lube of choice is Swiss Navy Premium Water Based.

Eden is easily in my top 3 and regularly used in my flights. Again, I don't recommend folks buy based off the actress, but Janice Griffith is also stunning and beautiful and loads of fun to watch. Skin tone is fitting for the actress and that vulva is so cute.
Entering Eden is delightful with those light little beads to tickle and I continue to the square nubs. It's slightly more stimulating, but still a subtle texture that makes this sleeve soft and still exciting. Then, what is simply my favorite part: the lotus nodes. Pop. Pop pop pop through the following rings. These sections make Eden what I love so much. It's super stimulating and with the right amount of lube, it can be very hard to continue the flight. Fortunately, I am able to barely able to rest my head in the final section and often twist massage myself before attempting to pull back out.
I don't really think any sleeve replicates a real vagina but this is a great go-to. Does require more of the Gun Oil H20 than many of my other sleeves. I can get away with a recharge spray of water, but I think because of the lotus node, I often require more squirts of lube. Drying without a fan sounds like a nightmare. Again - the lotus node - likely traps water. I use the Sleevomatic, to not concern myself of growing something in Eden.

I can't give enough praise for this sleeve. I have had some eye-rolling orgasms and love the "softness" throughout. Thank ILF for giving me a sleeve that continues the fantasy of being with the lovely Janice Griffith

Score 3.50 Overall Satisfaction 4.6
Intensity 3.75
Stimulation 4
Penetration 3.8
Tightness 3.8
Suction Effect 3.7
Realism 3.75
Variation 3.4
Smoothness 3.5
Orgasm Rating 4.35
Noise 3.5
Lube Use 3.45
Cleanup 3.7
Dry Time 3.2
Paradoxical's Avatar

Eden Review

January 5th, 2023 by Anonymous
Owns 11 Sleeves, 6 Ratings, 6 Reviews

The caramel tan colour of this sleeve gives it a very unique appearance and the vulva looks very delicate and small compared to other sleeves. I'm a massive fan of Janice so this is a huge positive for me but I understand that others might like having more to see and play with on the outside of the sleeve.

The feeling on penetration is a popping like sensation almost as if your head has just slotted into something perfectly sized and shaped for it. It's an amazing feeling to repeat but gets rather uncomfortable if you were to continuously fully penetrate the sleeve.

Main Chamber:
There is a massive amount of variation in this sleeve with some great and others not so great. Initially there is a section of bumps, this is not particularly stimulating but can be good for edging or when starting a session. Next there is a section of larger blocks; these have the same sort of sensation as the initial bumps but are much stronger in intensity and require you to push through them rather than them just gliding over you. The third section is a lotus node which is at a good depth for the average size. Lotus nodes are in a lot of sleeves because they feel great to push through as you feel a pop. This means the Eden sleeve has an amazing popping sensation on penetration and towards the middle of the sleeve where most will reach. The fourth section is three repeating rings with tighter sections between them. I initially thought this would be like mini lotus nodes but I was very wrong and they are very disappointing, especially after the lotus node. Finally there is the STU beads which feel great if you can reach them. I have found that using the sleeve out of the case is a great way to reach this final section if you are not able to within the case.

Due to all of the differing sections within the Eden sleeve it requires extra care when cleaning up and takes signficantly longer to dry after cleanup.

- Looks Amazing
- Lots of Variation
- Penetration Feels Intense
- Tight and Stimulating
- Incredible Orgasms

- Not Easy to Clean
- Long Drying Time
- Some Sections are Dissapointing
- Sometimes Requires Re-Lubing

As a massive fan of Janice I really love the sleeve overall.
It's a sleeve I recommend for longer, slower sessions so you can feel each of the textures and sensations. Amazing feeling on Penetration and at the Lotus Node for some intense orgasms.
Not fantastic if you want to cleanup quickly or reuse it shortly after a session.

Score 3.72 Overall Satisfaction 4.2
Intensity 4
Stimulation 3.6
Penetration 2.5
Tightness 2.55
Suction Effect 2.4
Realism 3.5
Variation 3.35
Smoothness 3.5
Orgasm Rating 3.65
Noise 3.65
Lube Use 3.85
Cleanup 3.4
Dry Time 3.55
ldb1000's Avatar

ldb1000's Review

January 5th, 2023 by ldb1000
Owns 28 Sleeves, 28 Ratings, 27 Reviews

I am 6.5 inches maximum bone-pressed, but usually only feel the first 5 inches of the sleeve the most. Usually use with the cap off, with sleeve warmer, and Gun Oil lube. I try to make sessions 30 minutes or longer. I hardly ever pull out.

Eden was a sleeve I picked purely based on word of mouth and it was available at my store, and I'm glad I did. I was excited by its caramel complexion, as it was my first sleeve with a non-white color. The labia is nice, same with the opening tunnel, but it's nothing amazing. When I revisited this sleeve I was caught off guard and it was way too stimulating and intense. It took me a while to get use to it but I still found it to be one of the more intense textures. The intensity would ramp up and down no matter how much you got used to it. I can't say I would recommend it for edging unless you want a challenge. It's one of those textures that still feels smooth but elicits intense sexual stimulation. The lotus node in the middle is the highlight of the texture but the three ribbed chambers are responsible for a lot of the intensity. It's fun to try and go balls deep to reach all of those chambers. It makes a bit of noise without the cap, and with the cap the suction feels a little weak. But nothing that would prevent discrete use. This is one sleeve that holds lube pretty well and only needs a moderate amount.

Deceptively intense and wild yet a bit loose and smooth.

Score 3.40 Overall Satisfaction 4.15
Intensity 3.55
Stimulation 3.4
Penetration 4
Tightness 3.1
Suction Effect 3.45
Realism 3.5
Variation 3.1
Smoothness 4.1
Orgasm Rating 4.35
Noise 4.05
Lube Use 4.05
Cleanup 4.35
Dry Time 3.8
xpjx24x's Avatar

xpjx24x's Review

January 4th, 2023 by xpjx24x
Owns 3 Sleeves, 3 Ratings, 2 Reviews

I bought this sleeve about 2 years ago now and it has been wonderful. For context, I am 8" with a girth of 5.75" and have nothing but good things to say about this sleeve. As a moderate intensity sleeve, it doesn't blow your mind in the way that some other sleeves do, but it is very enjoyable and great for longer sessions. Since it isn't as complex as some others, the cleanup is easy and drying time is fairly short. I like the orifice, but it's not my favorite. I do wish they would make more toys in this tone though.

Overall, Eden is a very nice moderate intensity sleeve that may not blow your mind, but it always pleasant.

Score 3.79 Overall Satisfaction 4.25
Intensity 3.5
Stimulation 3.4
Penetration 4.05
Tightness 4.1
Suction Effect 4.1
Realism 5
Variation 5
Smoothness 4.25
Orgasm Rating 5
Noise 3
Lube Use 2.45
Cleanup 2.35
Dry Time 2.1
Sinhed's Avatar

Sinhed's Review

January 3rd, 2023 by Sinhed
Owns 43 Sleeves, 21 Ratings, 7 Reviews

This was my first FLG sleeve and might be my favorite. The texture looked very interesting to me and provides a variety of sensations. The molding is beautiful and the skin tone is perfect. Initial penetration is phenomenal. Some sections are tighter which is nice but not constricting. Intensity and stimulation are moderate but very enjoyable. Great sleeve for longer sessions.

Moderate intensity sleeve which gorgeous skin tone and external appearance.

Score 3.81 Overall Satisfaction 5
Intensity 3.5
Stimulation 3.65
Penetration 3.75
Tightness 3.5
Suction Effect 3.65
Realism 3.7
Variation 3.75
Smoothness 3.65
Orgasm Rating 4.1
Noise 4.5
Lube Use 4.5
Cleanup 4.55
Dry Time 4.55
DerFicker0817's Avatar

DerFicker0817's Review

January 1st, 2023 by DerFicker0817
Owns 34 Sleeves, 31 Ratings, 31 Reviews

I decided to buy this sleeve because I thought the blocky structure at the beginning looked interesting. To be honest, I didn't feel much of that but I like the sleeve nontheless. Intensity, stimulation and penetration are all good. The sleeve has some tight spots and variation is good. The orifice looks good but it's not my favorite one. I also think it's nice, that this is hte first Fleshlight to have another skin tone.

Eden is a good Fleshlight that does nothing wrong but also doesn't offer any new elements.

Score 3.96 Overall Satisfaction 4.1
Intensity 3.85
Stimulation 3.95
Penetration 3.6
Tightness 4.35
Suction Effect 4.9
Realism 4.55
Variation 4.4
Smoothness 4.4
Orgasm Rating 4.6
Noise 4.65
Lube Use 4.65
Cleanup 4.85
Dry Time 4.9
Purrito's Avatar

Purrito's Review

December 27th, 2022 by Purrito
Penis Length: 8.5cm Girth: 6.5cm
Owns 42 Sleeves, 37 Ratings, 13 Reviews

Preface: I haven't used that many textures, so my ability to compare one to another isn't robust. I measure about 8.5" in length and about 6.5" in circumference (when especially aroused it can be closer to 9in and 7in around, which can 'bottom out' textures).

8.5Length, 6.5 Circ;

Eden is blissful. My ratings are quite a bit higher than the site's average scores, and it might be because the back half of the sleeve doesn't get a lot of attention. I noticed that the heatmap is really focused on the entry and the lotus node, but there isn't a lot of attention to the final 4" of the sleeve. That lotus node isn't where the fun ends--it's where the good part starts. For whatever reason this sleeve gives me my hardest orgasms out of any fleshlight, and I think it's the combination of the intense percussion of the back half combined with a very agreeable amount of suction that keeps those bumps at the very end 'grippy'. Every bit of this sleeve I can get into is a delight in a different way, and I cannot recommend it enough.

The penetration, tightness, and intensity are all 'goldilocks' for me. Not too much, but certainly enough to be what I'm looking for. Cap on tight makes the whole sleeve snug but I didn't find too much trouble finding a nice balance of suction to make the whole sleeve feel comfortably tight.

The sleeve doesn't dry very well on its own, but with an air dryer I found it to be little issue (I do run it for more than one full run, just to be safe, though).

A true delight. My favorite 'lady' sleeve and would get replaced immediately if mine were lost or damaged.

Score 4.46 Overall Satisfaction 4.75
Intensity 4
Stimulation 3.8
Penetration 3.4
Tightness 3.65
Suction Effect 3.7
Realism 2.65
Variation 3.55
Smoothness 2.75
Orgasm Rating 3.95
Noise 4
Lube Use 3.55
Cleanup 2.4
Dry Time 2.65
karlnov's Avatar

karlnov's Review

December 16th, 2022 by karlnov
Owns 10 Sleeves, 10 Ratings, 8 Reviews

Anybody's experience is affected by many physical and psychological factors, such as proportions, sensitivity, feelings preferences, mood, time of day, time since last orgasm, lube amount and type, way of use (hands-on, handsfree), tempo etc, and thus it is often completely different. My review just describes my opinions and observations on what I like or not, what did or didn't match my expectations or my ideal. This may and may not be relevant to You. I am sensitive and I now prefer milder sleeves in order to preserve my perceptions for the real sex. Traces of realism are welcome. I always warm the sleeve in water for 15, or at least with electric warmer for 5-10 minutes. I don't mind cleaning parameters - thorough rinsing with cold water, and drying with small vent directed into orifice using silicone cone works well. Feel free to look into my profile to find out more about my general experience.

Eden is medium intensity sleeve; the rating would depend on the favourite zone, since it has both medium and high intensity parts.

Labia are nice, almost artifically perfect, caramel tan colour gives it a unique appearance.

Eden is medium-tight from the very beginning. The entry requires full erection but otherwise is quite smooth.

The first zone, slightly narrowing with dense minibumps, remotely resembles the resistance of an actual vagina, but without the natural soft silky sweetness. Depending on amount and character of lube, the minibumps may even bring tickling sensations, especially when close to climax. So while Eden is not highly realistic, it is pleasurable in its own way.

Then there is 20 mm wide zone with medium-sized protruding block-like tetragonal bumps that make it feel tighter than the full canal diameter would indicate. Cudos to the engineers, because they were able to fine-tune the design (shape, size and density) in such a way that the transition between the two zones is so smooth, that it is difficult to even feel the change and the overall perception is consistent, almost smooth, with slight tantalizing flavour.

The bumps add some more stimulation and slight penetration resistance, and although are not being felt much, there still might be a price tag for very sensitive guys like me: after several minutes of thrusting I feel a mild loss of tactile sensitivity; possibly the ridges assert themselves too intensely on my sensitive nerve endings, causing some degree of desensitization. Therefore I don't use such intense sleeves regularly, and often resort to looser and milder sleeves, such as FL Dragon, or to some very soft japanese onahole.

After the zones 1 and 2 there is the lotus node that brings in a refreshing variation. I would name Eden a "Lotus 4.0 sleeve" in a sense. The node is positioned, again, too far; it ends at almost 10th cm of standard texture cross-section scheme. Don't forget to calculate the 2 cm depth of orifice itself, and take in account, that to fully appreciate the lotus node, the whole head needs to pass thru, so add another 4 cm. According to extensive measurement studies, an average erect length is between 13-14 cm, so the node should have been placed some 2 cm closer to the orifice in order this sleeve hilight to be available for majority of guys. I don't understand FL's design decisions in this regard.

The remaining two intense zones after the lotus are there to spice things further. The ring zone may bring continuing pop sensations like an echoes of the lotus, and the densely packed big round nubs are massaging and tickling (approached from reverse, caseless).

Noise I don't care, probably medium-low. Lube efficiency is good, sometimes there is a need to re-lube. Cleaning is, well, a cleaning - take good care, especially of the lotus node, rinse it thoroughly with water and dry thoroughly, because it is a known water trap.

Eden is a good and varied sleeve of mid-to-high intensity. I would hesitate to use the word "erotic" or "sexy" for these plastic toys, but if some of them earn it, the Eden does, in a sense. Not that it was overly realistic; until now I still wait to see such thing from FL brand. But it is not blatantly unrealistic either, like some other funky sleeves, and is teasing, eagerly stimulating in such a way that brings up memories of a funny, saturday morning quickie. It does not mean that Eden is able to mimic actual sex, but it is able to at least recall a bit of the taste of the mood of such delightful moments.

Score 3.40 Overall Satisfaction 3.5
Intensity 2.5
Stimulation 4
Penetration 4
Tightness 3.5
Suction Effect 3.5
Realism 3
Variation 2
Smoothness 4
Orgasm Rating 3.5
Noise 2.5
Lube Use 4
Cleanup 5
Dry Time 3
No_Clue_65535's Avatar

No_Clue_65535's Review

December 8th, 2022 by No_Clue_65535
Penis Length: 7.25cm Girth: 5cm
Owns 41 Sleeves, 22 Ratings, 22 Reviews

I try my best to keep my ratings and reviews accurate relative to the other Fleshlights that I own. For this reason I tend to make references the others in my reviews. I like to give insight into what I was thinking leading up to my purchase of Fleshlights in these reviews. If you aren't interested in this then please skip my Intro sections.

I chose to purchase Eden as my third sleeve for similar reasons that led me to my first. I was on an exploratory journey, more directed this time though. The mission of was to understand some more buzz words, primarily “lotus node”, and exactly what people meant by “mild”. I had also heard great things about the STU, but wasn’t convinced enough to buy a sleeve dedicated to one texture. I figured Eden was a pretty safe buy, since the first two sections looked pretty familiar. I knew I would enjoy the goosebumps at the start because of my first sleeve, and I figured the section after that would probably feel sort of similar to a section in my second sleeve. So if I didn’t like “lotus nodes” then I would still enjoy at least 50% of of what Eden has to offer.

This is the daintiest Fleshlight I’ve ever seen in person, very cute. It looks delicate and when you insert yourself in it makes a satisfying popping into place type of sensation, like your glans has just clicked into a socket that was designed to house it. It feels great to just pop in and out over and over again.

Section A: (goosebumps)
This section was a safe bet for me, I had experienced a very similar texture before in Dominika’s Butterfly and it feels just as good here. These bumps are very small, so instead of feeling each individual one, the sensations kind of blend together forming a gentle caressing feel. Having this section so close to the orifice makes it very tempting to do shallow thrusts, popping in and out of the orifice while sliding back and forth over this inch and a half of goosebumps.

Section B: (the cylinder made of boxy shapes)
I thought this section looked pretty reminiscent to the second section in Elsa’s Tasty, which was my favorite section from her, and I wasn’t let down. It is pretty similar, but not as intense. It’s the very close to gentle caress of the goosebumps that came before, and if you thrust too quick you might not notice the change in texture. The first couple flights were a bit less gentle in this section though. It felt like three abrupt pop into place sensations going in and out of this section. And not the pleasurable kind of pops as the orifice. But with additional uses the material must have become more pliable, and now it’s nice, gentle, and a lot more inviting.

Section C: (lotus node)
One of the main reasons I bought Eden was my curiosity about this section. I read so many reviews about how awesome lotus nodes were, and I wanted to try one out for myself. Now I know what all the fuss is about, they are versatile and feel great. I found two things I love doing with the lotus node. When you thrust slow it feels very similar to that popping sensation I tried to explain about the orifice. The pop happens as your glans pushes through the tight section of the node. As it peeks out into the other side the node slips off the back of your head and grasps you around the neck. If you go a bit deeper and thrust a little more quickly the lotus node provides an amazing milking feeling across your shaft.

Section D: (cylinders of alternating tightness)
I’m not really sure how I feel about this section. Looking at the image of the texture, I thought it was going to feel like a bunch of mini lotus nodes all in a row, but it doesn’t, maybe because the tighter sections aren’t thick enough. Instead this section kind of feels a little like section B, but it’s inferior, doesn’t have quite the same bubbly feeling. I think I would have been much more satisfied if this section was one more lotus node instead, or maybe something with a more energetic texture.

Section E: (STU texture)
I heard great things about the STU sleeve in regards to edging, and this last section of Eden is identical to the STU texture. The STU sleeve is one of the older textures though, and the textures have gotten a lot more intricate than how they were back then, so I saw this as a good way to preview STU and see if I would want an entire sleeve full of it. Even though this last section is just beyond my reach when the sleeve is in the case, you can take the sleeve out of the case to experience the ones that go over your head. I am glad I didn’t buy the STU. This texture is decent, but it’s kind of boring, having an entire sleeve full of this single texture is not worth the money, but in a sleeve like Eden it seems like a moderately intense way to round out the overall mildness.

This is a more mild sleeve, and I think it taught me what people mean when they say mild. They aren’t saying that it has less texture, or that you won’t feel it as much, it’s more saying that the textures vary less and the overall flight is a less on the chaotic side, instead trending toward gentleness and gliding sensations. The lotus node in the middle is a nice breakup in the monotony, it livens everything up and the mildness surrounding it makes it stand out. This sleeve is great for edging and taking your time, compare to my other favorite edging sleeve, Tasty, this one is more easy to control, but the lower intensity makes it nearly impossible to chain together orgasms, So I suggest to edge a bit longer instead. The mildness is nice, but I'm not quite as satisfied as I would like to be, there isn't quite enough variation in the way the textures feel. Still a fantastic choice though, and if you want something with less variety I can recommend with confidence.

Score 3.50 Overall Satisfaction 4.5
Intensity 2.4
Stimulation 2
Penetration 3
Tightness 2.8
Suction Effect 1
Realism -
Variation 1.2
Smoothness 2.4
Orgasm Rating 3.8
Noise 4
Lube Use 3.8
Cleanup 4
Dry Time -
Ian678's Avatar

Ian678's Review

November 27th, 2022 by Ian678
Owns 12 Sleeves, 32 Ratings, 32 Reviews

For some context, I'm just over 6" and just under regular girth. As an indication of preference, I'm not the biggest fan of overly tight sleeves because it's more difficult for me to discern the textures, even feel them for that matter. I prefer vaginal to anal sleeves, and usually use a sleeve at least a few times before reviewing. Drying time and realism are negligible ratings to me, since the Fleshlight dryer finishes every sleeve in an hour, and no Fleshlight that I've ever used feels similar to sex.

For some context, I'm just over 6" and just under regular girth. As an indication of preference, I'm not the biggest fan of overly tight sleeves because it's more difficult for me to discern the textures, even feel them for that matter. I prefer vaginal to anal sleeves, and usually use a sleeve at least a few times before reviewing. Drying time and realism are negligible ratings to me, since the Fleshlight dryer finishes every sleeve in an hour, and no Fleshlight that I've ever used feels similar to sex.

I bought Eden during the holiday sale a few years ago because I'm a fan of Janice Griffith and her unique look. At the time, everything ebout Eden was just as unique as she is in the porn world - it was the first tan sleeve, and has an interesting pattern of small bumps and square nubs, so I was sold. After using it a number of times though, I can't help but feel dissappointed with the result. To me, the sleeve is mild at best.

The first of Eden's chambers is a series of small circular protrustions grouped tightly together. Unfortunately, I thought i would be able to feel them more on an individual basis, but it ended up feeling like a couple of ridges - essentially a lesser version of Lvl Up. The next chamber is my personal favorite, which is a series of block like protrrusions, which on their own are pretty nice, but as part of Eden as a whole, they aren't distinct enough. They blend in with the first chamber, and aren't enhanced enough by the lotus entry and beyond, which to me are essentially textureless, and provide minimum stimulation. Essentially, the second chamber gets lost in everything else, which is Eden's unfortunate, defining quality. The later chambers aren't really worth writing home about either, since they're all flat and don't really help. I'm not sure if I don't enjoy the lotus texture that much, or if its sensation gets lost amongst everything else, but either way I didn't really click with it.

One of Eden's better qualities though is the smoothness of orgasm with the sleeve. It's very easy for me to keep using the sleeve while orgasm since the texture is mild, though not once have I been interested in the sleeve enough for multiple orgasms in it. Still, if you're someone who is especially sensitive to stimulation, then maybe this sleeve is for you, though I would check out Cream first.

Finally, the sleeve is easy to clean. I normally don't put much stock into these aspects of sleeves because the Fleshlight Air is a game changer of convenience, but I did own this sleeve before purchasing it, and it dried incredibly fast. If discretion is an important aspect for you, then this sleeve should be considered.

2.5/5. Sadly, despite my excitement for the sleeve, Eden is a texture that let me down. Users looking for a milder sleeve that's easy to care for with a smooth climax, or are drawn in by its tan silicone color could check it out. But overall, now that a number of other, better looking tan textures have been released since Eden, I would recommend checking those out first.

Score 2.77 Overall Satisfaction 2.8
Intensity 3.5
Stimulation 4
Penetration 4.5
Tightness 4.5
Suction Effect 5
Realism 2.5
Variation 3
Smoothness 3.5
Orgasm Rating 4
Noise 2.5
Lube Use 2.5
Cleanup 2.5
Dry Time 2.5
FrequentFLyerrrr's Avatar

FrequentFLyerrrr's Review

October 27th, 2022 by FrequentFLyerrrr
Penis Length: 7.2cm Girth: 5.5cm
Owns 76 Sleeves, 19 Ratings, 11 Reviews

Hello, FLyers, FleshCrack Addicts, etc. If you are not familiar with my background I have owned FLs since 2018. Since then I have accrued a collection of 30 Full-Sized sleeves and 1 Quickshot. Before making any detailed review I make sure to have at least used the Sleeve more than 5 times. Not in a single go either but at natural time periods. This way I can provide an accurate description and review of what you are looking for as a FLyer. I also tend to use Gun Oil H2O, Onatsuyu P Juice, or Fleshlube. My measurements are 7.2 in x 5.5 in. I don't discuss Cleanup/Maintenance in reviews because everyone does things differently. My way won't be the same as others, the point is to just clean your FL and prevent it from getting mold. So whatever works best for you stick by it. I review best by chambers so if you are looking for measurements and all that I will only apply them when it's needed in important texture details. Remember my opinion is my own so if you do not resonate with my review then feel free to do more research and review hunting on your desired FL product. If you liked reading the review thumbs it up and Happy FLying!

I've been meaning to do this review for a while. Long overdue this is my review of FLG's 'Eden' modeled after the lovely Janice Griffith. Her 'Eden' lady texture is made in a different FleshTone lighter than Ana Foxxx's 'Silk' and if not it might be the same shade as 'Desire' or 'Bump-N-Grind'. I've had this texture for years and kind of regretted it at first probably because I had mild DGS, but after breaking it in and doing a side by side comparison with 'Punk' for the novelty, I can confidently say this sleeve is not to be overlooked for it does live up to it's name.

FLying with 'Eden' is beautiful, the tight lips with the brown FleshTone make this sleeve visually pleasing, also attributing to the way it compels you to go inside. Penetrating 'Eden' definitely requires you to push your way in so if you are expecting to slide in with a semi then you will be greatly dissatisfied. 'Eden' grabs you to pull you in and there is an inch or a half of sleeve that you will feel before the start of the texture and feels engulfing, smooth, and/or tight if you have the cap screwed in moderately. If you have a petite girl fantasy this is the one.

'Eden's first chamber is a funnel of small beads that goes in about two inches and gives off a soft gripping into penetration which feels very good to play with while edging. It opens wide towards the end to the second chamber. In the second to third inch of 'Eden' you get slightly larger cubes then the small beads from earlier. They both sort of feel similar to each other but the cubes feel more abrupt than the beads yet they have the same function, they both stimulate the head and are safe places to lay back and catch yourself during your flight. In between the third and fourth and a half inch you get the famous lotus node in the third chamber. The lotus node is a beauty to be engulfed in. Pushing through a node of pleasure meant to simulate the suction of the real thing. It's placed perfectly at the position it is in for the average size. In the fourth chamber we have 3 sets of rings in a repeating pattern that hug you in a different way than the lotus node. I'm barely able to get to the second ring but this chamber wants to stimulate your head and shaft, taking this sleeve out of it's case wouldn't be a bad idea at all. For the final fifth chamber we have large beads simliar to Bigfoot or the STU that repeat at six and a half inches to the end. This chamber feels amazing to use out of the case and the tight engulfing feeling of the sleeve overall adds to it's character.

Final Thoughts
'Eden' at first in my mind was a dud, i thought it was too tight and could barely feel much. After breaking it in and mending my DGS I regretted my initial judgement. 'Eden' is a tight sleeve with one purpose. This sleeve wants to be used slowly passionately and for prolonged periods of use. The sleeve does use up it's lube so if you have some to spare by all means take your time. The first and second chambers compliment each other well to stimulate and introduce you into a wild stimulating ride. the third and fourth chamber are meant to draw you in to it's elusive sanctuary where you will be sucked into pleasure for eternity. If you have the length for it the fifth chamber will leave you emptied and wanting more. 'Eden' is my go to for a tight warming experience. At my size the lotus node mixed with the fourth chamber gives me the feeling of hitting the cervix which I think is awesome so it's a memorable one for me personally. Suction is really good with this sleeve but you may find it a bit overbearing if you are girthier. Penetration is one of my favorites in this sleeve, those small beads feel so good to the head you'll want to stay there forever.

In final I want to say to you the average consumer looking to buy a new FLG, If you are looking for a tight sleeve with a lotus node that can be used for long sensual flights then 'Eden' might just be in your radar, especially if you want a new FleshTone in your collection. This sleeve may be boring if you are looking for more intense textures. This sleeve is good at being mild yet intense in the slowest moments. That third and fourth chamber are a deadly combo. I recommend this sleeve to the person without a lotus node or much girth in their repertoire. If you want subtle yet stimulating variety this sleeve has it. Thank You for reading and Happy FLying!

Score 3.46 Overall Satisfaction 4
Intensity 2.3
Stimulation 1.8
Penetration 3.5
Tightness 3.4
Suction Effect 4.3
Realism 2.8
Variation 2.8
Smoothness 4.8
Orgasm Rating 4.25
Noise 4
Lube Use 2.75
Cleanup 3.9
Dry Time 1.65
ZeroBinding's Avatar

ZeroBinding's Review

May 27th, 2022 by ZeroBinding
Owns 15 Sleeves, 13 Ratings, 13 Reviews

Hey all, ZB here from Australia. 6x6" with each review written after a minimum of 30 individual Flights. If you'd like to know anything more specific about a texture I've reviewed, feel free to message me here or on Reddit at u/ZeroBinding.

+ Lovely skintone and unique vulva molding
+ Strong suction with low noise
+ Strong orgasms

- Low stimulation with hard to discern texture elements
- Middle of the sleeve is a water trap. Cannot be air dried without assistance.

Presentation and Texture
Eden is a standout sleeve of my collection so far with it's lovely tanned skintone and uniquely petite vulva.
The sleeve itself has a very narrow canal on par with Lvl Up's that makes for a snug experience. The initial granular nodule chamber followed by the slight folds of the 2nd provide ample suction albeit with almost no stimulation. The lotus node and following pockets thereafter are similarly hard to detect, with only a slight variation in pressure the defining factor.
The texture is almost completely unremarkable and incredibly smooth.

Sleeve Vitals
The strong degree of suction that Eden provides capped or not, is fairly low in intensity and stimulation. The penetrative feel is bolstered by the tightness of the narrow canal but offers little in the way of variation, as even rotating the sleeve doesn't change the experience much if at all. However, I definitely feel that Eden is more on the realistic side and is perfect for edging with - resulting in strong orgasms that will quite literally shoot out of the sleeve if uncapped.

Unfortunately, Eden has inconsistent lube use that varies flight by flight and an awful drying time without assistance. 48 hours after cleaning I've checked to find both sides bone dry, but the pouches following the lotus node in the middle will still be damp. I strongly recommend using a fan or paper towel drying method with this sleeve.

And while I commend the feel and look of the narrow canal and vulva, Eden has the biggest tearing at the bottom of the orifice of my collection so far. I do not think that this will pose a durability risk however even after 100+ uses.

Final Thoughts / tl;dr
Overall Satisfaction 2.5 / 5. A strong edging sleeve, but not one I recommend.
I have read some Flyers list it as their 'desert island sleeve' and I do admit that it really does get the job done right sometimes. I just think that Eden is best enjoyed occasionally every now and then. If it was my only sleeve while deserted I think I'd be sick of it in no time.

Score 3.20 Overall Satisfaction 2.5
Intensity 4.65
Stimulation 4.85
Penetration 4.45
Tightness 2.55
Suction Effect 3.95
Realism 4.05
Variation 3.85
Smoothness 2.4
Orgasm Rating 4.5
Noise 5
Lube Use 4.5
Cleanup 5
Dry Time 3.9
dicky's Avatar

dicky's Review

January 7th, 2022 by dicky
Owns 9 Sleeves, 7 Ratings, 2 Reviews

This was one of my first Fleshlights, I actually bought two at the same time.
For this one I wanted something with a bit of texture and not that tight, and wow it is exactly that and more.

Exterior & Opening
Wow, great looking pussy, love it, could have shown a little bit of the clit under the hood.
Right from the start it feels awesome, its easy to get into so don't even have to be hard, but gets hard fast in it.

It doesn't feel as varied as it looks but you can feel the different textures in a pleasureful way.

it is with the cap lose and with it more firmly screwed on an eden of pleasure.

It looks more rugged than it is, the bumps can be felt and this is the only fleshlight that has made me cum fast (under 10 mins) with a great feeling. If always gets the job done.

Thanks to the bumps and edges it doesn't sound that much, not even with the cap loose.
The varied inside is everything but smooth which comes with the advantage that it holds liquids in it fairly good.
It does however makes it a little bit harder to clean, need to rinse it longer.
it can however feel a bit rough on the dick pulling out afterwards, but its well worth it.

use only a little bit of lube to much will make it feel smoother.

Makes me cum every time, with a minimum of sound from the Fleshlight.

Score 4.15 Overall Satisfaction 4.5
Intensity 2.65
Stimulation 2.55
Penetration 2.35
Tightness 3.25
Suction Effect 5
Realism 1.55
Variation 3.7
Smoothness 2.15
Orgasm Rating 5
Noise 1.7
Lube Use 2.25
Cleanup 2.2
Dry Time 2.6
Hellhounds02's Avatar

Hellhounds02's Review

December 20th, 2021 by Hellhounds02
Owns 3 Sleeves, 3 Ratings, 3 Reviews

A few edging sessions and I understood why people say this Sleeves a good one. The Sleeves main draws for me were the color and the more ending friendly texture. Only problem is clean up being a bit more work. Where boss level will make you bust quick and hard, Eden is once you must take your time with to enjoy. I personally found my best climaxs with it where on super low and slow sessions with this sleeve.

Eden is best imo for people who enjoy a nice buildup to release. Great edging sleeve and great color 8/10
Clean up is more on the longer side but worth it if you have the time

Score 3.00 Overall Satisfaction 5
Intensity 3.5
Stimulation 5
Penetration 5
Tightness 4
Suction Effect 3.95
Realism 4.1
Variation 4.05
Smoothness 4
Orgasm Rating 4
Noise 3.55
Lube Use 3.55
Cleanup 4
Dry Time 3.65
JuanAfokme's Avatar

JuanAfokme's Review

February 8th, 2021 by JuanAfokme
Owns 10 Sleeves, 8 Ratings, 8 Reviews

My measurements: 7” x 5.75”C

I’m not actually a fan of Janice so this review isn’t affected by any bias towards the star, got this sleeve based on a lot of owners believing it’s too slept on

Looks exactly like the pictures and I’m a big fan of the nice and neat caramel orifice, maybe it’s just me but I also feel like the material seems thicker and more durable compared to other sleeves I own, doesn’t seem to get as sticky when washed maybe it due to how they make the colour but unlike Silk which was so delicate to the point I’d accidentally leave nail marks, Eden is solid in a good way and feels even more premium like it’ll outlast all my other sleeves.

Initial penetration feels great, unlike other sleeves like Tasty that have the texture start immediately after the lips with Eden you have a very nice initial pop and your head is sat snugly in the beginning of the first section. This part seems to fit my head perfectly and feels almost like a waiting room as when you thrust afterwards you satisfyingly slide into a more narrow tunnel.

The Feel
Some people rate this sleeve as tight but I’d disagree. It is narrow and satisfyingly snug but I wouldn’t call it tight, to me the tightness feels perfect for me, you wouldn’t want it any looser as that goes against the outer appearance of a tight pussy and you wouldn’t want it any tighter as you’d probably feel even less of the texture and some may find it uncomfortable.

As for the individual textures I can imagine my girth makes it a little harder for me distinguish the subtle differences in sections, but it definitely doesn’t feel like one smooth ride (though it is on the smoother side in a good way). The small bumps at the beginning of the texture I can’t feel on the head of my penis but as I thrust I do get an odd warming sensation from them as if they make enough friction on my shaft to produce that feeling. Friction usually sounds bad but this was a very good feeling and one I’ve only felt with Eden.

I can’t say I feel the lotus node that much tbh but pushing through the sleeve you do feel subtle changes in pressure and texture which stop it being another boring smooth sleeve. Due to my length I only reach the end of the 3 rings of the second to last section and when going balls deep I really can feel them most and it’s great as it’s like you’re just pushing through into a another section. The only way I can accurately describe it is that it feels like what I’d assume pushing through a cervix would feel like if that were actually possible like hentai tries to show

Not an intense sleeve but I believe it does have the perfect level of stimulation as if you go at a moderate pace you can have longer sessions and it’s great for edging but if you speed up then the intensity builds up and you can end up having a very explosive orgasm and due to the tightness it does feel like the cum is being massaged out of you.

Surprisingly easy to clean, no fluids get trapped anywhere and due to how solid the material feels it’s very good with towel drying and doesn’t feel as sticky afterwards unlike other sleeves. I can’t comment on dry time as I towel dry and powder inside and out and that’s been working well for me for years.

Believe the hype! I can very much understand why many Eden lovers (me included) see this as one of the most underrated textures that’s nowhere near talked about enough, sort of like a Goldilocks texture imo it’s just right. If I could only have one this would very much be it, my new favourite.

Score 4.10 Overall Satisfaction 5
Intensity 3.9
Stimulation 4.5
Penetration 4.15
Tightness 4.7
Suction Effect 4.15
Realism 3.65
Variation 4
Smoothness 3.5
Orgasm Rating 4.9
Noise 2.85
Lube Use 3.65
Cleanup 4.1
Dry Time -
Jakem105's Avatar

Jakem105's Review

February 6th, 2021 by Jakem105
Owns 21 Sleeves, 20 Ratings, 9 Reviews

For reference I am 6X4.5 and the lube I use is Fleshlight’s water based lube.
Eden is my goldielocks sleeve, it has the perfect combination of tightness and intensity. And the Lotus node is perfect! Cleaning is easy and drying takes a little bit more time but nothing too long. This is a great sleeve to wind down with. The medium color too is great, and really adds to the fantasy. The orfice has a very petite look which I think is great in my opinion

4.5/5 overall this is a great mid-intensity sleeve that has a perfect balance of everything you could possibly need. If you are unsure of the sleeve, get it, it’s worth it.

Score 3.98 Overall Satisfaction 3.65
Intensity 3.5
Stimulation 3.75
Penetration 3.75
Tightness 3.5
Suction Effect 4
Realism 4.5
Variation 3.5
Smoothness 4.55
Orgasm Rating 4.75
Noise 3.5
Lube Use 3.5
Cleanup 3.5
Dry Time 3.5
kehudaw's Avatar

kehudaw's Review

December 31st, 2020 by kehudaw
Owns 9 Sleeves, 9 Ratings, 9 Reviews

I got Eden because it seemed a very underrated sleeve and the orifice looked awesome to me; the lips and tan color look fantastic. It is easily the best looking sleeve I own.

Firstly, this sleeve delivers big in two categories: realism and smoothness. No other sleeve delivers quite the same in these categories like Eden.

The inside starts with some small nubs and angled texture which feel fairly unique and great when thrusting. These are followed by a lotus node, which, as many people on FA and Reddit will tell you, gives an awesome popping sensation. For this reason, thrusting in this section of the sleeve feels amazing. Even better, this sleeve is surprisingly not intense, despite looking like it would be.

Eden is the best looking sleeve I own. It features a lotus node 4 inches in, and offers great realism, smoothness, and mid intensity, making for a great orgasm and overall experience. Highly recommend to anyone.

Score 3.88 Overall Satisfaction 4.5
Intensity 3.5
Stimulation 4.15
Penetration 3.5
Tightness 3.4
Suction Effect 3.75
Realism 4.15
Variation 4
Smoothness 4.75
Orgasm Rating -
Noise 4.5
Lube Use 4.45
Cleanup 4.6
Dry Time 4.5
Jumanji's Avatar

Jumanji's Review

December 14th, 2020 by Jumanji
Owns 14 Sleeves, 14 Ratings, 5 Reviews

After some uses with this I can see why Eden is very divisive amongst a lot of folks.

Firstly, I would say that the word I would use for Eden is "smooth". The texture usually tells a thousand words but everything in Eden feels very smooth and connected to me, which makes it a pleasurable edging sleeve. It's tight, but not very tight like a Tasty, and not as stimulating as a Beyond, Fuego, or Tasty. In terms of stimulation I would rate this as low, but that's not a bad thing at all. You can use Eden for awhile, enjoying it for a much longer time than some other sleeves. The ratings are a little bit weird as with Eden I could literally go all day with the low stimulation and have an amazing time doing so.

All in all I would say that this is in my favorites list for vaginal sleeves, probably slightly behind Beyond, though there are some similarities between the two. This is like the tight section of beyond throughout, but less stimulating. Definitely happy with the purchase overall!

If you like lower intensity (which sounds not as fun as it is, I love edging for longer sessions) edging sleeves that you can go awhile for, then this sleeve should be right up your alley.

Comparisons are: Tighter than Beyond but not as much so as Tasty. Less intense than Tasty, Beyond, and Fuego, overall a fantastic sleeve that i'm very happy with.

Score 4.15 Overall Satisfaction 4.65
Intensity 4.25
Stimulation 4.7
Penetration 4.5
Tightness 3.8
Suction Effect 3.7
Realism 4.1
Variation 4.5
Smoothness 4
Orgasm Rating 4.45
Noise 4.9
Lube Use 4.75
Cleanup 4.5
Dry Time 4.5
revtwentyseven's Avatar

revtwentyseven's Review

December 11th, 2020 by revtwentyseven
Owns 75 Sleeves, 54 Ratings, 51 Reviews

I got Janice Griffith's Eden as an Ice sleeve (leftover from the 2019 Countdown to Black Friday special) in February of 2020, which is an unusually off schedule purchase (usually buy my FLs at end of the year), but the discount plus case easily made it worth the $ to spend.

Aesthetics: The Eden texture has an orifice that is a replica of Janice Griffith's vulva, which is quite visually appealing (and more so since the Ice sleeve is clear, so you can see through to the texture). Much more realistic than the traditional FL vulva.

Lube: Since mid-2019, I have exclusively used Gun Oil H2O (do not use the original Gun Oil as it is a silicone lubricant that will damage your sleeves). Gun Oil H20 is great as it is a longer-lasting lube, works very well with Fleshlight products, and is formulated to help improve sexual activity. A little lube in the sleeve and on the penis and that's pretty much all you need for a short to medium-length FLight (longer FLights may require re-lubing).

Noise: The sleeve itself did not make much noise when penetrating, at all. Unless someone is watching you enjoy yourself, the noise ought not to be a factor in a closed room.

Penetration: Penetrating Eden was an enjoyable experience, though not as intense as the Storm or other FL. The textures you can feel (including a mini bump tunnel and a squarish/rectangular set of rings, followed by the lotus node and then several rings are generally accessible by most. However, it is the length of the stroke that makes it enjoyable. The key to using Eden is to thrust with intention. Short shallow thrusts might make your "head" happy, but I found constant deep and intentional (modest pacing, not jackhammering) thrusting to be what really made this sleeve worth it.

Intensity: Eden looks like a variable sleeve that seems intense... but it's much more modest when you actually go FLying with it. However, deep thrusting involves more of your cock, and that does tend to accelerate the arousal process to orgasm. The buildup to orgasm is not as intense as other sleeves, but you know when you are going to finish soon.

Orgasm: With an FL, there are three orgasms that tend to come about (pun intended). One is a gentle buildup that leads to a nice orgasm. Another is one that causes you to cum without warning. The last is a "when you blow, you know." The Eden is a one/three combo. You will know when you blow, but it's not an intense and short eruption that usually results. Rather, it's a satisfying conclusion that although not overwhelming, is still satisfactory.

Cleanup: The Eden is a bit of an involved texture, so you may need copious amounts of water and digital (fingers) manipulation to remove deposits. Dry time is a bit tricker if you have the ICE version... Paper towels will adhere to the stickier surface of the Ice, so gently pat the outside dry with a non-shedding washcloth, shake out as much water as you can from the canal, blot dry the ends and ventilate either with natural air or with a blow-dryer with very low or no heat. It will take time to dry. If you have the original Fleshtone (in Janice's flesh tone, no less, which is a first for FLGs since Misty Stone) FL, you can use paper towels to accelerate dry time, but use good quality towels unless you want to fish out a disintegrated towel.

The Eden is a quality FL that isn't at the top of the list, but earns high reviews from those who use it. It's a solid sleeve for intermediate FLyers who are looking to up their collection (or are looking for a adventure of a FLight over a quick session).

Score 4.36 Overall Satisfaction 4.4
Intensity 3.95
Stimulation 3.4
Penetration 2.6
Tightness 3.75
Suction Effect 2.8
Realism 3.9
Variation 4.25
Smoothness 3.2
Orgasm Rating 3.95
Noise 2.75
Lube Use 2.9
Cleanup 3.1
Dry Time 2.9
Jrs1023's Avatar

Jrs1023's Review

December 8th, 2020 by Jrs1023
Owns 7 Sleeves, 7 Ratings, 7 Reviews

The looks The intensity The stimulation The overview

This sleeve how can you go wrong it has that beautiful tight little pussy with those nice tiny tight lips that when you first entered it makes your cock look so much bigger just because of how small and tight her pussy opening and lips are very stimulating in the textures can drive you mad you can literally use this sleeve all day and go round after round and you will never get tired of the sensations and feelings at this sleeve will give you

This is a sleeve that you can go round after round with and never get tired it will definitely be one of your favorites in your collection and if you don't have it you are missing out and need to get it as I bet you it will be quickly becoming your favorite

Score 3.38 Overall Satisfaction 3.85
Intensity 5
Stimulation 5
Penetration 5
Tightness 3.5
Suction Effect 4
Realism 4.6
Variation 5
Smoothness 2.5
Orgasm Rating 5
Noise 4.5
Lube Use 4
Cleanup 4
Dry Time 4
FrequentFlyer's Avatar

FrequentFlyer's Review

July 27th, 2020 by FrequentFlyer
Owns 114 Sleeves, 18 Ratings, 6 Reviews

Constantly amazed by the sheer variety of Fleshlights and although I've got a large collection they just keep on amazing. Change the lube, change the temperature, change the combinations and no two sessions are the same...

Noticed today that this sleeve has been discontinued. I got mine from a third party site and OMG am I glad I did. I can't believe that at the time of writing that this sleeve is down at Rank 48 because it is my firm favorite. The bumps in the first section are very good and then popping through the lotus node is really amazing. This is head and shoulders my favorite sleeve. If I could only choose one sleeve - this would be it.

A fantastic sleeve, way underrated in the rankings, and now discontinued wtf ! I hope that it gets replaced with something similar.

Score 4.35 Overall Satisfaction 4.85
Intensity 5
Stimulation 5
Penetration 5
Tightness 3.9
Suction Effect 3.85
Realism 4.5
Variation 4.95
Smoothness 2.4
Orgasm Rating 5
Noise 4.9
Lube Use 3.8
Cleanup 1.45
Dry Time 1.25
Bonahole's Avatar

Bonahole's Review

July 6th, 2020 by Bonahole
Owns 20 Sleeves, 20 Ratings, 20 Reviews

Onahole, Kiiroo and Fleshlight user. 7x5. Not a collector - I keep my drawer small, only have room for the best, & trash the rest!

Quite possibly the most UNDERRATED FL today. Out of all the FLs and onaholes I've tried this one single handedly blows them out of the water. It is a cry and shame that this is not more highly rated as I've tried other top rated sleeves and found them boring compared to this.

The entrance is super unique with large angled nubs that you can actually feel (unlike most textures that just get smooshed and lost in tightness). This transitions into a narrow entrance guiding you to a lotus node which is easily the most pleasurable part of the sleeve. the nubs massage your shaft as your head can pop in and out of that and it is incredible. After the lotus node there are 3 more ring-like textures which are perceptible but unfortunately not that amazing. Wish they would have done something more interesting after the lotus node but then they may have created a sleeve that is just too good and would outshine all others. The last chamber has STU-like nubs which are also just OK.

My favorite way to use this is going balls deep and just grinding on it feeling my head slide in and out of the ridges and lotus node. kinda feels like sliding over or under a cervix so points for realism there.

Really the only con, this takes forever to dry due to the lotus node trapping water and moisture, and sometimes i kinda have to finger it to get the water out to dry completely. don't skimp on drying guys. no one wants a moldy dick.

I really hope to see more sleeves like this as many of the great lotus node textures are sadly discontinued so I will never experience them.

If you are on the fence or someone who thought most other sleeves are kinda boring, get Eden and never look back. Honestly I'm considering dumping my other ones just because this one is so much better that I'm quickly losing interest in using anything else.

The best masturbator I have tried to date. The most unique and stimulating textures all balanced together for an awesome FL.

Score 4.00 Overall Satisfaction 5
Intensity 3
Stimulation 3
Penetration 4.5
Tightness 4.25
Suction Effect 5
Realism 4.75
Variation 3
Smoothness 5
Orgasm Rating 3.5
Noise 4
Lube Use 3
Cleanup 3.5
Dry Time 3.5
ShyDrummer's Avatar

ShyDrummer's Review

February 14th, 2020 by ShyDrummer
Owns 16 Sleeves, 10 Ratings, 2 Reviews

Hey there, welcome to my opinion on this sleeve. I'm normal size and uncut. I use ID Glide lube and FL Sleeve warmer.

This sleeve is not at all like it looks to be. The first chamber with little dots is a nice texture that you feel well but the second big square just feel slippery.It's got a natural suction effect that makes it a slow and long session better then a fast one. Doesn't feel a lot at fast stroking speed.

The sleeve material seems to be more extensible or more easily extensible. I normally reach midway easily. In this one he lotus node don't even make effect while inside cover. While outside I can get to the lotus node.

Personally, I like making some long session with this one.

Good soft sleeve for long session. Good one for collection.

Score 3.82 Overall Satisfaction 3.5
Intensity 3
Stimulation 3
Penetration 4.5
Tightness 3.5
Suction Effect 3
Realism 3
Variation 4
Smoothness 3
Orgasm Rating 4.8
Noise 5
Lube Use 4
Cleanup 5
Dry Time 3
lostwagger's Avatar

lostwagger's Review

December 30th, 2019 by lostwagger
Penis Length: 6.75cm Girth: 5.5cm
Owns 25 Sleeves, 4 Ratings, 4 Reviews

--My Measurements-- Length: 7.75 inches Girth: 5.5 inches (shaft), 4.9 inches (head) Circumcised

I see Eden as a spiritual successor to the original "Lotus" texture, given its more-interesting entry, Lotus Node near the middle, and loosely spaced ribs afterward. However as far as I am concerned, the two sleeves feel completely different.

My impression of Eden suffers a little from it feeling "too random" (like most modern Fleshlight designs, sadly). Eden has small round bumps, big square bumps, a Lotus Node, then big square ribs. Then if you are the one guy out there with a 9 inch dick, there are big round bumps right at the end. A total of 5 distinct sections. I prefer something simpler. If they had instead designed it with only 3 distinct sections (those small round bumps, then the Lotus Node, then big square ribs all the way to the end), I think I would have liked it better.

That said, Eden does have one stand-out benefit for me. I've always been one to get overstimulated when I cum in a Fleshlight, causing me to freeze up and ruin the orgasm. But I noticed one night, quite by accident, that if I finish in just the first two inches of Eden, It is much easier to continue thrusting and the orgasm is glorious. I believe it is some combination of the small bumpy texture and not having my penis fully enveloped when I unload. I can achieve similar orgasms in "Crush", but as it turns out, not in "Destroya", which remains too overstimulating at the entrance.

Not quite the successor to Lotus that I was hoping for

Score 3.74 Overall Satisfaction 3.5
Intensity 3
Stimulation 3
Penetration 3.5
Tightness 3.5
Suction Effect 3.5
Realism 4
Variation 2.5
Smoothness 4.5
Orgasm Rating 3.5
Noise 4
Lube Use 3.5
Cleanup 3.5
Dry Time 3
Shiinoda's Avatar

Eden Review

December 16th, 2019 by Anonymous
Owns 28 Sleeves, 28 Ratings, 27 Reviews

Oh Eden, I had so high expectations of you. Let's go over the positives first:

First of all, I love the unique color of the sleeve. It's always nice to have a little variance in the collection, even if it's purely visual. Furthermore the orifice is probably my favorite out of all my FLG's. The shape is so aesthetically pleasing to me and it's probably the only orifice I truly enjoy just grinding my head against for a while.
Initial penetration is also wonderful with a tight ribbed section waiting just inside to guide you further along.
Realism is also high in my opinion. I've heard others say this as well and I agree; it's more of a 'love-making' sleeve than a 'fucking-sleeve', if that makes any sense. The texture doesn't hit you with anything too odd-feeling out of nowhere. I also find it moderately tight compared to most vaginal sleeves.

Now for the not so great:

The sleeve looks wild when looking at the cross section. Bumps, nubs and a lotus node? Count me in! But alas, for whatever reason, the sleeve just feels somewhat smooth and uninteresting. It might be because of its tightness, that the texture isn't allowed space to give me the full experience of each texture, but I find it boring. It's stimulating, sure, but without any unique things going on. Light to moderate in intensity.

Lovely color and orifice with a realistic feeling texture. Don't get fooled by the cross-section though, it is not nearly as wild as it looks.

Score 3.43 Overall Satisfaction 3
Intensity 3.7
Stimulation 3.45
Penetration 4.75
Tightness 2.7
Suction Effect 3.8
Realism 5
Variation 2.15
Smoothness 5
Orgasm Rating 4.35
Noise 4.05
Lube Use 3.9
Cleanup 3
Dry Time 3.2
Chef1228's Avatar

Chef1228's Review

December 8th, 2019 by Chef1228
Penis Length: 7.5cm Girth: 6cm
Owns 41 Sleeves, 39 Ratings, 39 Reviews

I am cut with 7.5 in length and about 6 in girth. I typically test my fleshlights cold at first then warm them after the break in period has ended.

The main reason I bought this fl is because I love the lotus node. Every fl onhave owned with a node has not let me down and neither has this one.

First impressions on opening the box was WOW. Honestly I dont think I have seem a more beautiful molding idk if it is the color that adds a slight shadow or what but you can see every single detail and they pop in a way.

This is probably the most realistic sleeve I have tried. The way it is set up the fltexture itself has alot of material. While penetrating you have to move it all out of the way and it feels like you are dipping into a warm tight pussy. While it is not intense it does work well for ending and the fact it feels real it helps if you are trying to last longer. The node does not pop like I would love it to but still can be felt.

The beauty of this fl combined with the realistic texture will for sure make it one of my tops to practice with.

Score 3.81 Overall Satisfaction 4.3
Intensity 3.75
Stimulation 4
Penetration 4
Tightness 3.75
Suction Effect 3.75
Realism 4
Variation 3.75
Smoothness 3.75
Orgasm Rating 4
Noise 3.75
Lube Use 3
Cleanup 3.75
Dry Time 2.5
El_Golfo's Avatar

El_Golfo's Review

May 15th, 2019 by El_Golfo
Owns 4 Sleeves, 2 Ratings, 2 Reviews

Janice's sleeve is my first, definitely not my last. After being curious for years I literally decided to dive in. Purchased the combo pack with lube and cleaning products. The skin tone, and beautiful lips are inviting and enticing. Always been a big fan of Janice, now I was going to be inside her. Upon entry, there is great sensation and pleasure. Lots of bumps that rub, lotus node feels amazing. The sleeve feels good overall. I've had sessions of quick climax, to great edging. Lube use isn't too much. Cleaning has been very simple, quick. Dry time not too complex, except in the middle of the sleeve. It looks great, feels great, cleans up well.

Maybe I'm bias, but this is a great overall sleeve. I don't feel it's too loose nor tight, and wasn't finding myself going back for lube every few minutes. For fans of Janice, or a great feeling vagina, check her out.

Score 3.70 Overall Satisfaction 4

Videos & Photos of

Fleshlight Eden and Janice Griffith


Janice Griffith Promo Play
Janice Griffith Promo



Variations of

Eden Fleshlight Sleeve

ICE Eden Image
Janice Griffith's ICE Eden

Orifice: Not classified yet
Discontinued: Yes
Released: November 2019

Here you can find the latest price of Fleshlight sleeves. Each price is clickable and will take you to the official store for the best price guaranteed. If a region does not have a product or variation, it will show as Not Available, or N/A for short. If the price is in the color RED, that means the product is out of stock.


United States Europe Canada Australia
Fleshlight Complete$79.95€79.95$109.95$109.05
Fleshlight Sleeve$59.95€64.95$89.95$81.77

(*) Official prices last fetched and updated on February 14, 2025, 1:00AM GMT.

Fleshlight released a +18 (x-rated) version of their website, FleshlightGirls.xxx and FleshJackBoys.xxx. On these versions, you can find sleeves that have been discontinued for a while. After confirming with ILF that the website is legit, I was warned that some of the discontinued products on this site MAY not actually be available, as the site isn't maintained like the official normal store is. Note, they ship from to the US only and not all payment options are available.

Official X-Rated US Store

FleshlightGirls.xxx FleshJackBoys.xxx

(*) Official prices last fetched and updated on February 14, 2025, 1:30AM GMT.

Some Fleshlight products are for sale on LoveHoney. Lovehoney is a sex toy store that resells certain Fleshlight and Fleshjack products, it is known for having really good sales.


United States United Kingdom Canada Europe Germany Spain

(*) Lovehoney prices last fetched and updated on February 14, 2025, 1:05AM GMT.

How to get the best deal for this sleeve

Eden Fleshlight Coupons & Deals

By following these rules you are most likely always going to get the cheapest price for any texture:
0. Always check for a coupon, available on this page's sidebar if viewed on desktop, or under the case image on mobile. FleshAssist users get access to exclusive coupons monthly.
1. Follow the price trend above to track the lowest and average price for this texture.
2. Check if this texture is in the 342 (three for two, buy 2 get 1 free) deal.
3. It is always recommended to buy directly from Fleshlight's Official Store to prevent getting fakes or wrong products. That being said, if FleshAssist found this product listed on other sites such as Amazon, it will show the availability above. When buying from Amazon make sure that the seller is ILF, LLC - Official Store as that is the only store that sells real and original Fleshight products.
4. As this texture is able to be bought as a sleeve only, make sure to check out Fleshlight Orgy page, where you can buy multiple FLG sleeves at a cheaper price since they wont come with cases. The more you buy the bigger the discount too.