Perfil de Laddyd0Ngleggs

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Usuario desde Nov 2023

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On my profile I like to have my lists give users different information about how I've obtained some and how that affects the overall opinion about them on whether they were a sleeper hit or a undoubtedly nogo or maybe just something different. I like to give my opinion on the first use to give people the idea of what they might enjoy when they first use a fleshlight or show the progression and what they have to go through in order to get to the good ole fashion broken in status for these things. Either way I aspire to be a professional reviewer for a general and less niche population so my reviews don't go in depth about insane details but rather speak to the audience about the product, what to expect, key points and fun facts to make connections to other products people might be more familiar with.

Introducción de reseñas

I am average sized so varying 5.5-6 inches and average girth of 4.8-5 inches.
I use different warming lubricants depending on what I carry at the time
I use the fleshlight sleeve warmer because its like literally the best accessory you could possibly get for these things.
I try to keep my reviews universal, clear, reflective of other similar sleeves if possible, and especially not too weird.
Things I want to point out is that Lube varies with the company of lube and drying varies between person and their methods. Suction relies so much on case and how well the case is built. For example the new suction case will work different than the normal pearlescent. also turbo cases apparently are different too?
I don't go into detail describing the orifice unless its something to talk about. You don't have to use your imagination to look at the picture.
Other than that, I like to mention my selling points aka reasons I bought its or why should you.

Encontrado 6 reseñas en total

Intensidad 5
Estimulación 4.5
Penetración 5
Estrechez 4.5
Efecto de succion 3
Realismo 3
Variación 4.5
Suavidad 3
Grado de orgasmo 4.5
Ruido 3.5
Uso de lubricante -
Limpieza -
Tiempo de secado -

Rose Reseña

January 6th, 2024 (Rose Texture)

Tsk Tsk Tsk this sleeve is something else. You might not be ready

There are many reasons intensity can be high for a sleeve. example destroya fang like texture or the amante Radiation sign chamber or even the waffle texture seen in a lot of textures. This takes the trophy for intensity for the unbelievable repetitive popping sensation this gives you. similar to what I like to call the boost texture (see boost sleeve collection its pretty much like a double ring that is seen in the whole boost series)

its really that feature that brings this to the next level. So many people called this a sleeper sleeve and man o man are they right. This deserves a higher rating to be honest but some criteria is probably the reason it gets brought down.
Imagine this like a car ride for a second. Some sleeves are super smooth. like you're average day driving on the road. Some are rigged and so its more like driving through gravel or dirt roads. This is speed bumps and a lot of them.
I like to end sessions quick with this one because this one almost leaves my dick sore. Its a good sore but sore indeed. and that's how intense it is.
I wouldn't buy this if you're looking for smooth or tight or suction. you get this because you like that popping feeling and you want more. I get ya buddy I do too and this scratches that itch.
Also super awesome detail. its different in doggy (clit down). That's right she's angled from the orifice end so you can enjoy her in different ways.
EDIT: This might be one of the few times I talk about the labia or the orifice itself but its more closed than some other FLG that I've collected. Meaning the penetration value is super stack. The orifice, the repetitive boost texture and the ability to go doggy on this makes its a fine purchase

Definitely not a first time buyer type sleeve but once you've felt lotus like textures or the boost textures and want more of a lady sleeve with it this is the choice. A must if you're a collector because its not like any other one in my 10+ on going sleeve collection

Popping sensation out the wazoo. If you like the lady orifice and want possibly one of the best popping sensations, you'd get this one right here.
Sleeper sleeve indeed and definitely don't regret buying this.
Do not buy if this is gonna be your first sleeve. I say this because it can definitely make you sore or exhaust your tip if you're not ready.

Puntuación 4.14 Satisfacción Gral. 5
Intensidad 5
Estimulación 5
Penetración 4.5
Estrechez 5
Efecto de succion 3
Realismo 3
Variación 4.5
Suavidad 2.5
Grado de orgasmo 3.5
Ruido 4
Uso de lubricante -
Limpieza -
Tiempo de secado -

Destroya Reseña

January 6th, 2024 (Destroya Texture)

Lemme just start with Stoya will destroya

My Selling Points:
-I was looking for a fang texture (1st chamber) and this one just had a bunch of high ratings to start out with.
-I was looking for something tight and super stimulating, I wasn't looking for a road trip, I was looking for a FLight

Destroya has to be one of my favorites when it comes down to that moment in time where you just unlock a spidey sense in your dick and it makes you feel everything and this sleeve knows how to crank it. The fangs do that perfectly and is one of the main reasons this gets bought a lot. if you're looking for variation it has it. If you're looking for tightness, its has it. If you're looking for penetration, Stimulation, Suction IT HAS IT. its super well balanced at it too I didn't have trouble with lube or anything. this review for me is quite short. in terms of universalness, meaning for big or small fellas, this brings to the table a lot but its main action is the beginning. The finer details is that the hole isn't skewed so its gonna feel the same in doggy position (clit faced down). Honestly its a good buy.

This next part isn't a review but a fun little rant
Just one littler thing. I don't take into consideration about describing the orifice just because you can see it for yourself. You don't need to imagine. its right there. Not sure why a ton of people take time describing such intricate details when you're just gonna be banging the hell out of it. Also the few talking about the actress and their energy, its not like their soul is trapped in these things maybe I haven't obsessed over an actress like some fellas. Not trying to be rude but y'all need a review and not a persons emotions toward an actress/actor. you can watch any video you want with any sleeve. Its not to pick on them but its just to say those details to me aren't as necessary and take longer to get to an actual useful reference point you as the reader can bounce off of. Don't get me started on the fellas who review the case these things come in. (especially since sleeve only option is there for most of the FLG sleeves) They're not gonna be different than other sleeves cases. its the same pearlescent or blue case all FLG/FLJ come in. You want a different case? look into the turbo series or the new blue case they released with the better suction cap. If you feel hurt message me I honestly don't want to be rude but people want a review on these things and don't want to read seven paragraphs. I will say some of my reviews go on a little bit to give context, to also talk about features to be talked about, again things people can reference or bounce their own experience off of etc. (ironic huh?) but its more about the sleeve its self and not the clean up method and drying and case or lube and just details that are just like super duper niche that almost fall on the user and not what the sleeve is about.

The first chamber is sought after and the rest of the sleeve compliments it well.
This will take you to an orgasm like a train ride vs bike ride (you're gonna bust quicker)
It gets better every time. I got humbled not using this for a while and coming back to it was a trip. its now gonna sit in the back of my mind while trying out some new buys and once i'm done its back to this for quicker sessions

Puntuación 4.05 Satisfacción Gral. 4.5
Intensidad 4
Estimulación 4.5
Penetración 4
Estrechez 3
Efecto de succion 4
Realismo 4
Variación 5
Suavidad 3.5
Grado de orgasmo 4.5
Ruido 4.5
Uso de lubricante -
Limpieza -
Tiempo de secado -

Lush Reseña

January 6th, 2024 (Lush Texture)

This Sleeve was my very first FLG Sleeve.
comparing it now that I've had way more and finally found out about this site gives me a lot of insight on this sleeve in comparison to others

Selling points:
For me at the time I was looking for something tight, intense, and with a lot of suction and I was originally going to buy destroya but I was at a sex shop buying this and not fleshlights website. They didn't have it so I ended up buying what I thought was the next best thing which was this one (Rookie mistake on not buying off website)
The reason I am mentioning this is because I bought this from a beginner point of view. Now as a daily user of these kinds of things I hardly ever think about going back to this sleeve but at the time that this was my pedestal piece it was a really good piece of work. Its honestly not a bad sleeve im just on the road to find out my perfect sleeve so I've got the flesh crack and there have been some I want to use more than this. So here is my insight if you'd like to purchase this

Ever go on a crazy 4+ hour edging session, this makes that happen. Its gonna vary person to person on how well these things are for edging (aka if you're more seasoned then you can obviously control more than the beginner) but the sleeve can achieve those kinds of sessions either way because its not crazy intense but its super stimulating at the same time. I gotta give it credit for that effect. Word of advice, smoother looking sleeves can still dish out crazy stimulation if you're using it right. This isn't exactly the smoothest but in comparison to others sitting in top 10 this isn't giving the mouse a maze to go through lol. A good point to bring up is that fellas with longer johnsons are gonna actually benefit from this sleeve a lot. This provides so many chambers (7 fricken chambers wth!? lol) and honestly the bigger the better for this one. Its not too tight so its not going to choke you or make wider fellas feeling like they're parking Mac truck in a small garage (sounds painful)

Finer Details
-The material feels softer than other sleeves so it makes it again not too tight or intense with still keeping stimulation high. so fellas who have trouble getting through the tighter sleeves and are feeling discomfort this is a really solid choice.
-This sleeve will not feel different doing it Doggy (turning it clit down) because the entry is not skewed and the hole placement is straight through. If you've ever bought Amante, Kumzumi, Cream, Tornado even, these sleeves have a curved/skewed entry and this list provides different ways its can look like.
-The amount of different chamber this provides just speaks for itself and honestly I've had a lot to feel in this sleeve even though I'm average. Bigger sizes can get more out of this sleeve reaching the end chambers.

This is definitely a sleeve you buy if you're not ready to jump in the deep end. Super stimulating and varying textures definitely give you a good bang for your buck when it comes down to finding out what you like big or small.
Not a bad sleeve I'd buy this if you're looking for a start or if you're looking for a perfect edging sleeve or even if you're on the fleshcrack just looking to expand your collection. Its a top 50 sleeve and honestly wouldn't be surprised if it went up a little.

Puntuación 4.09 Satisfacción Gral. 4
Intensidad 3
Estimulación 4.5
Penetración 4
Estrechez 3.6
Efecto de succion 4.25
Realismo 5
Variación -
Suavidad 4.6
Grado de orgasmo 5
Ruido 4.1
Uso de lubricante -
Limpieza 5
Tiempo de secado -

Texas Tornado Reseña

January 5th, 2024 (Texas Tornado Texture)

I got to say I was super excited when it came down to finally fully review this thing with heat map and all. This one is remarkable and possibly my favorite so far after more than 10 sleeves and some of those ranking in top 5 of the full website.

Selling points for me were none but that's because I got this as a Mystery gift but also serves a purpose into the review of how actually good this thing is
-First off imagine for a second that this texture was discontinued and then brought back. What makes a company do that other than the sheer fact that this texture was literally bussin
-Second, its such a sleeper I gotta say. When you look at the texture your initial thought is A) its a little smoother than top ranks. B) there is literally no variation into a different chamber/texture and C) it seems a little more loose than others.

Fellas your fella will thank you for buying this. This single-handedly made me rethink about what textures I've overlooked simply because they weren't crazy.
Other than the texture its self, a key feature I actually admire about this is the fact that the orifice isn't the typical wide open circle hole... BUTT (ha get it) instead its more of a slit with less of an opening to it. another reviewer didn't like that honestly its subjective. Let me just say this, I personally don't think that every anal sleeve should showcase a wide open hole. its actually not realistic in terms of an asshole being tight and closed (so poop doesn't fall out but you don't want to think about that.) In fact I can understand a vagina having an open hole like in pictures and just anatomy but realism for the whole company on anal sleeves drops due to that fact. yatta yatta yatta manufacturing and wider fellas plays into it , whatever I get it, just saying. message me about it I wanna know peoples opinion
Ass mentioned before there's not too much going on texture wise but it plays into why this is actually good because the uniformity of the texture provides A) equal fun for everyone big and small and B) super good for the long run edging marathon so many people like to talk about here and C) Double dipping. that's right. Doin it again and again, nutting after nutting. Doing it doggy doesn't shatter your mind but it does feel a little different. What does that mean? If you look at the texture side view map the entrance is skewed meaning it will feel different if you turn it around which is such a wise choice on manufacturers end. Penetration can vary so I don't go into deep detail since bigger fellas are just gonna have the tighter penetration on their side same goes for tightness. The initial entrance to the sleeve is very nice and makes what I like to call a bear trap. When sleeves open in the middle more than the entrance, the pleasure isn't coming from you pushing forward but instead the return trip is gonna be fun. especially when the moment hits to evacuate and ejaculate. That detail makes it hard for the key moment where you have to pause so you don't erupt and interrupt your edge. Thus the bear trap where you gotta get out of there or tough it out to keep going

Personal experience this thing made me bust and go in for seconds right after and I haven't felt that about any other sleeve in my collection. its uniqueness about it not being super tight lets you push in even when you're not at your hardest. which allows for so much more that can be done with this.
Another key thing to point out if you haven't noticed is the position switch up.

Overall in my rating for this I was sad just because the variation rating has to be low. it lowers the overall rating when people fill out the whole thing which makes this drop in the ranks unintentionally. Everyone type game is rigged in chat. Lube and drying are again subjective.Alexis Texis is a great pornstar with a nice ass and this is such a treat not gonna lie. Ive put my face in it after I took it off the warmer. Use renewing powder don't get sticky with it (you do you). it adds to the effect of these things.

Its a sleeper. super underrated and although some aspects have to stay true to rating, it contributes more to why its so good rather than bad. I think about this sleeve all the time and it has become my old reliable. when its in is drying stage I use the fleshassist sleeve picker for a different sleeve after I've used them at least once and when it kept choosing this one it was a sign.

Puntuación 4.37 Satisfacción Gral. 5
Intensidad 5
Estimulación 5
Penetración 5
Estrechez 4.5
Efecto de succion 5
Realismo 3.5
Variación 4
Suavidad 2
Grado de orgasmo 4.5
Ruido 2.5
Uso de lubricante -
Limpieza -
Tiempo de secado -

Thrust Reseña

November 29th, 2023 (Thrust Texture)

This Fleshlight is like no other. That being said don't go into it trying to find the one that makes you explode on one thrust, out of this world orgasm. This is different because of its multiple reasons starting with the multi insertion point orifice. It has the first initial "lip" part then the "tongue" which is not going to be firm like real ones and then the throat action. your first use should be you trying to find what suction works the best for you. Fiddle with the end cap to see what suction works best and stimulates your senses also because its gonna get loud the more suction you want. Your second use is finding out your sweet spot on whether you like "just the tip" or the full shabang. This for me honestly does not replace blowjobs although its labeled to stimulate like one, that goes for a lot of other people on this plat form too. This is super useful for those who prefer a non-binary appearance meaning this isn't a human or animal or alien visual stimulator but instead a clear see through stimulator that doesn't carry a mouth, vaginal or anal looking orifice.

When it came down to buying this my criteria was that I wanted something tighter at first but then this popped up while researching and it got my attention because I haven't had a fully transparent fleshlight in my collection yet plus its other counter parts had very interesting looks to them as well like the throttle which was supposed to be tighter but another fello said that they tried both and liked the thrust better plus its rank on this website was higher. I decided to trust the system and go with this. that being said. I still want something tighter so I may look into other fleshlights but this provides a different texture and different entry point feel that you just cant replace. the look is also nice plus when I used it I busted quicker than some other fleshlights I've used. something about knowing what the different stages of the entry points mean just makes you feel a little different when you imagine it.

It almost makes it to where you get this mainly because of the mulit entry point, first 4 inches, and the clear skin. suction on this is great but again can get noisy
(p.s. I got this on a black friday sale on Fleshlights website where they had a deal to buy over a certain amount and you get a free sleeve, the case fits the main fleshlight girls line up sleeves saving you more money if you can store your stuff right.)

Clear skin makes visual stimulation a big plus. Mental stimulation is guaranteed once understanding each layer to its textures meaning. The clear case included helps a ton and just overall cheaper than the main fleshgirl line up too? this has got to be in the fleshlight users collection. Would not recommend as first time buying a fleshlight but definetly something you gotta try. I think it would really help out with couples that enjoy toy play during sex.

Puntuación 4.14 Satisfacción Gral. 4.5
Intensidad 3.95
Estimulación 4.35
Penetración 4.55
Estrechez 4.6
Efecto de succion 3.55
Realismo 2
Variación 4.55
Suavidad 1.45
Grado de orgasmo 3.5
Ruido 4.9
Uso de lubricante 3.9
Limpieza 3.6
Tiempo de secado 3.85

Desire Reseña

November 28th, 2023 (Desire Texture)

First time I used it, its was with the warmer they sell on the FL website. Ill never go back to cold beating it. Any way, the butt felt fucking amazing. really the part I used the most was the beginning part and I didn't want it to end my fun in a couple of seconds so I pushed in a little further to find out that it gets a bit tighter and boy was that section amazing. the complete versatility of this sleeve proves to be something else. I got this mainly because I was looking for a darker skin complexion to add to my collection because my dick don't discriminate. It was between this and Ana foxx collection. I went with this one because I like a "light skin" look but not opposed to darker skin. Plus I wasn't looking for the absolute tightest thing in existence. So I kinda said fuck it... and ended up fucking it. I don't regret my purchase. I am average length and girth. Case is def necessary. Suction from the case definitely help with the tightness and I didn't feel like I was gonna miss out on any textures which is what I mainly worry about when buying these things. Its fair for the average fellos and so it definitely helps out with trying to pinpoint my favorite texture.

Textures on this is nice and fair (meaning average fellas don't really miss out on super extreme crazy mumbo jumbo textures) Color and overall look is a must for anyone looking for anal or Darker skin tone completions.

Puntuación 3.77 Satisfacción Gral. 4

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