Perfil de Keykxxx

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Welcome to my Profile!

Encontrado 1 reseñas en total

Intensidad 3
Estimulación 3
Penetración 3.5
Estrechez 3
Efecto de succion 2
Realismo 2
Variación 2.5
Suavidad 3
Grado de orgasmo 3
Ruido 1
Uso de lubricante 2.5
Limpieza 5
Tiempo de secado 5

Compact Utopia Reseña

December 3rd, 2023 (Compact Utopia Texture)

This was my first Fleshlight, and for a quickshot (which doesn't give you the best experience because it's not full size) I like it a lot.

I have tried many other Fleshlights that offer you more satisfaction and enjoyment, but whenever I want something fast, better than my hand and above all very quick to clean I always choose this one as it is quite small compared to the full size ones, and I love the entry of this Fleshlight.

I recomend if you want something easy to hide and clean, and if you are a fan of Riley Reid

Puntuación 2.96 Satisfacción Gral. 3

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