Perfil de Iamaprison

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Usuario desde Nov 2023

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Encontrado 7 reseñas en total

Intensidad 3.85
Estimulación 3.7
Penetración 2.6
Estrechez 4.4
Efecto de succion 4
Realismo 2.45
Variación 1.95
Suavidad 2.85
Grado de orgasmo 3.45
Ruido 3.45
Uso de lubricante 3.85
Limpieza 2.5
Tiempo de secado 2.55

Ahegao Reseña

January 4th, 2024 (Ahegao Texture)

My only anal sleeve that I got just to try a more tighter experience. It is good but due to the tighness a lot of nuance of the texture is lost for me compored to non-anal sleeves. On the other hand I still enjoy it as the suction effect is remarkebly strong. It needs quite a bit of lube probably as it is really tight and you feel the friction even more if you do not use enough lube.

Good sleeve but I cannot compare it to other anal sleeves as I do not have any. Still I am satisfied with this one and would try more anal sleeves if they go in the same direction as this one.

Puntuación 3.24 Satisfacción Gral. 3.7
Intensidad 3.05
Estimulación 3.4
Penetración 4.1
Estrechez 2.5
Efecto de succion 2.5
Realismo 2.85
Variación 3.5
Suavidad 3.7
Grado de orgasmo 4.1
Ruido 2.5
Uso de lubricante 3.05
Limpieza 2.55
Tiempo de secado 2.4

Kumzumi Reseña

January 4th, 2024 (Kumzumi Texture)

Disclaimer: I got the ice version of the sleeve.

A very good sleeve if you like smoother sleeves. It has a lot of nice variation and the ice version is definitely worth with this one. Escpecially the last bit of the texture is very pleasing even though I barely touch the beginning of it.
But this ice sleeve also has by far the stickiest material.

Very good sleeve. Would have bought the normal version too if I knew it was that good.

Puntuación 3.18 Satisfacción Gral. 4.3
Intensidad 2.1
Estimulación 2.8
Penetración 3.05
Estrechez 2.5
Efecto de succion 3.1
Realismo 3
Variación 2
Suavidad 3.3
Grado de orgasmo 3.1
Ruido 2.55
Uso de lubricante 2.95
Limpieza 2.55
Tiempo de secado 2.6

Squirt Reseña

January 4th, 2024 (Squirt Texture)

DIsclaimer: I have the ice version and it is definitely stickier than the material for the non-ice version as others also mentioned.

I have read a lot of praise about this model so I got it when it was available as ice version. It is definitely not bad and has a smooth texture but after all the praise that I read, I expeced something more stimulating, which might be related to the different material used for the ice version.

Good, but not as good as it is praised and also on the smoother and more loose side.

Puntuación 2.72 Satisfacción Gral. 2.45
Intensidad 2.55
Estimulación 2.5
Penetración 2.8
Estrechez 2.6
Efecto de succion 2.55
Realismo 2.35
Variación 2.1
Suavidad 3.35
Grado de orgasmo 2.5
Ruido 2.5
Uso de lubricante 2.45
Limpieza 2.35
Tiempo de secado 2.4

Heavenly Reseña

January 4th, 2024 (Heavenly Texture)

As a disclaimer, I got this a as mystery gift so I did not have specific expectations, but even though I'm a bit disappointed. It is very smooth but does not really provide any stimulating texture as for example compared to Silk, another smooth FL. For me it also does not have any other qualities that might redeem it.

I cannot recommend this model at all and it is by far my least favourite model that I tried.

Puntuación 2.50 Satisfacción Gral. 2
Intensidad 2.4
Estimulación 1.95
Penetración 1.6
Estrechez 2.4
Efecto de succion 2.7
Realismo 2.3
Variación 2.35
Suavidad 3.3
Grado de orgasmo 2.9
Ruido 2.5
Uso de lubricante 2.55
Limpieza 3.4
Tiempo de secado 2.1

Utopia Reseña

January 4th, 2024 (Utopia Texture)

My first purchase and I'm surely satisfied with that choice. The texture is mild enough and has a good amount of variation with the nops. By far not the best but also far from boring. I guess a good beginner model and the cleanup is quite easy as it seems to be a bit on the looser side.

Solid fleshlight but there are definitely better ones out there.

Puntuación 2.50 Satisfacción Gral. 2.6
Intensidad 2.9
Estimulación 4.5
Penetración 3.5
Estrechez 1.8
Efecto de succion 2.7
Realismo 3.95
Variación 3.2
Suavidad 4.5
Grado de orgasmo 4.95
Ruido 3.45
Uso de lubricante 2.95
Limpieza 3.7
Tiempo de secado 3.8

Silk Reseña

January 4th, 2024 (Silk Texture)

A wonderful sleeve for longer edging sessions. It has enough variation to keep it exciting but is not too stimulating at the same time. The orifice also looks good.
I never had trouble cleaning even though I'm concerned that if mould appeared it would be harder to spot on the darker material.

Definitely my favourite by far and met all the expectations that people talk about

Puntuación 3.63 Satisfacción Gral. 4.9
Intensidad 4
Estimulación 3.9
Penetración 3.95
Estrechez 3.45
Efecto de succion 3.9
Realismo 2.7
Variación 3.55
Suavidad 3.65
Grado de orgasmo 4.3
Ruido 3.7
Uso de lubricante 3.5
Limpieza 3.1
Tiempo de secado 3.15

Waifu Reseña

November 25th, 2023 (Waifu Texture)

This sleeve requires quite a bit of lube. It is on the more intense side but still suitable for longer sessions, but you should come prepared with enought lube.
The entry section feels quite good and the tight midsection is amazing. The part in between sadly feels a bit bland and doesn't offer much. On the other hand it makes it possible to enjoy longer sessions as there is enough area for a break if you need something less stimulating.

Definitely worthwhile and I can definitely recommend this sleeve. Probably also quite suitable for a first time buyer if they are looking for something on the more intense side.

Puntuación 3.65 Satisfacción Gral. 4.2

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