Perfil de B9L9Lamb

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Usuario desde Dec 2019

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Encontrado 2 reseñas en total

Intensidad 4.15
Estimulación 4.3
Penetración 5
Estrechez 4.45
Efecto de succion 4.8
Realismo 3.6
Variación 4.55
Suavidad 3.65
Grado de orgasmo 5
Ruido 2.85
Uso de lubricante 3.6
Limpieza 3.65
Tiempo de secado 3.5

Next Level Reseña

December 29th, 2019 (Next Level Texture)

This was my first sleeve and still might be my favourite sleeve. There is some nice variation to this sleeve. Out of my collection this sleeve feels the best to actually thrust into rather than stroke with. There is a nice pop when entering this but the high point of this sleeve is the texture near the end. I find it to be a bit noisy at times. Suction is good. Lube use is good too, I don't need to re apply too often with this. The cheeks aren't too high which I like.

This is a great choice for anyone looking for a anal sleeve that has nice variation and a pretty stimulating experience. The texture at the end of the sleeve is by far my favourite texture I have experienced yet.

Puntuación 4.15 Satisfacción Gral. 5
Intensidad 3.3
Estimulación 3.5
Penetración 4.3
Estrechez 4.35
Efecto de succion 4.55
Realismo 2.45
Variación 1.45
Suavidad 2.75
Grado de orgasmo 3.65
Ruido 4.9
Uso de lubricante 3.8
Limpieza 5
Tiempo de secado 4.5

Aviator Reseña

December 28th, 2019 (Aviator Texture)

I was sent one of these by accident rather than a mystery sleeve so I was a bit disappointed when I opened the box to find this. After giving it a go a couple of times I actually enjoy using it. It has the same texture the whole way through so there's no variation but it's not necessarily a bad thing with this. It's smaller than a full sleeve which can work in its favour. There's not much noise from it and I did have to apply more lube a few times while using it but overall it's a good toy..

For first time buyers I wouldn't buy this but for someone who owns a couple of sleeves, this would be a nice option to add to the collection.

Puntuación 3.73 Satisfacción Gral. 3.7

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