Profil von Thegdk0

thegdk0 Profilbild


Benutzer seit Dec 2021

Penislänge: 19.05cm
Umfang: 13.97cm

Über mich

Welcome to my Profile!

Rezensionen Einleitung

Add a grain of salt and sugar to my words, since I use Fleshlights in different ways - long, short, slow strokes, warmed with water, different kinds of lube, on my back, sitting. squatting... And then try to figure the average and put it into words.

1 Rezensionen gefunden

Intensität 4.05
Stimulation 4.75
Eindringgefühl 2.45
Engegefühl 3
Saugeffekt 1.05
Realismus -
Abwechslung 4.45
Glattheit 3
Orgasmus-Bewertung 5
Geräusch 2.55
Gleitgelverbrauch 1.85
Aufräumen 4.1
Trockenzeit -

Toy Meets World Rezension

November 27th, 2023 (Toy Meets World Texture)

Toy Meets World was my first Fleshlight, and while I wanted to get something else, I'm glad i picked Toy Meets World. It has exceeded my expectations. It's varied not just in texture but also in intensity, that makes it a great choice for beginners. First section is a bit plain but acts well as a resting buffer between series of deep strokes. Second section is very noticeable and provides nice tingling feeling, can be used for edging. The last section is very rewarding if it can be reached. When used with a watered down lube, little "balls" at the end between rings can be felt (and even heard from the end) when passing through the rings, that's my favorite part, but watch out, it's intense! I can't describe many aspects here, but it's many times better than a hand. Orgasms are what coming back from the dead must feel like.

If you're long and want a varied sleeve, you can't go wrong with it.

Punkte 3.43 Zufriedenheit 4.9


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