Profil von Maxjizzroom

MaxJizzRoom Profilbild

Benutzer seit Jun 2020

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1 Rezensionen gefunden

Intensität 3.1
Stimulation 4.85
Eindringgefühl 3.8
Engegefühl 3.7
Saugeffekt 3.8
Realismus 4.35
Abwechslung -
Glattheit 3.7
Orgasmus-Bewertung 4.85
Geräusch 4.85
Gleitgelverbrauch -
Aufräumen -
Trockenzeit -

Barracuda Rezension

June 8th, 2020 (Barracuda Texture)

I own 5 sleeves. The Lisa Ann is my most used sleeve. It might not be my favorite or most effective sleeve, but it's possibly the most all-around appropriate or versatile.

1. Lisa Ann is not the top pornstar I would choose to bang but I'm a huge fan of her anatomy as it appears on the mold. She has a very attractive pussy in my opinion and I like that about this product. 2. Some people describe the sleeve as tight. I don't think it's as tight as Destroya, Beyond, or Heavenly. I find this less intense. You can bang it out or edge with it. 3. I thought I'd be able to feel a huge difference between the bumps facing different directions. This is kind of hard to tell honestly. But I will say I'm glad the deeper ones face away as this is one of the main reasons I was interested in the product. I very much imagined that I would like the sensation of something that looked like this when pulling out. 4. Another reason I really like this sleeve is you can move a little bit and feel a difference rather than resort to longer strokes or movements. I feel like I can get deep in Lisa Ann and twist, or wiggle, or pull up and down very delicately and get a lot out of that. 5. The nubs wrap around your cock and make you feel really immersed inside and when you pull out it wants to keep you in. 6. It doesn't have too much tightness, over-variation, or over-stimulation. So, I like to get to the edge, go all the way in and use micro-movements and pull back just a little as I'm blowing my load.

This sleeve definitely feels better than several of my ex-girlfriends even though it's cold and not a vagina attached to a person. Those are downsides but here you also get added advantages like you can blow load after load into it and it doesn't say ****** shit back to you, create problems in your life, or cheat on you, ask you to do shit you don't want to do, ask you for money, judge you, etc. By that standard this product is way better and quite possibly the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life.

Punkte 4.20 Zufriedenheit 5


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