Profil von Friendlyflyer

FriendlyFlyer Profilbild

Benutzer seit Dec 2014

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6 Rezensionen gefunden

Intensität 4
Stimulation 4
Eindringgefühl 4.5
Engegefühl 3.5
Saugeffekt 2.5
Realismus 1.5
Abwechslung 2.5
Glattheit -
Orgasmus-Bewertung -
Geräusch -
Gleitgelverbrauch 1.5
Aufräumen 1.5
Trockenzeit 1.5

Punk-Charmer Rezension

December 15th, 2014 (Punk-Charmer Texture)

Charmer is not nearly as intense as it looks to be, and that is a very good thing. I was a little scared to order this thing, but a friend had me order one for him, and I needed to get myself a sleeve to qualify for free shipping, so I thought, "What the hell." I'm glad I did. This sleeve got me started on butt orifices again after the letdown with Forbidden. This feels nothing like the super ribbed, and does not cause any numbness. Lube use is a little higher than average, given all the crevices. Cleanup and drying time are also higher, accordingly.

Not as crazy as it looks. This is a must, and one of the better textures offered with a butt orifice.

Punkte 2.70 Zufriedenheit 2.7
Intensität 4.5
Stimulation 4.5
Eindringgefühl 4
Engegefühl 3.5
Saugeffekt 4
Realismus 4
Abwechslung 4
Glattheit -
Orgasmus-Bewertung -
Geräusch -
Gleitgelverbrauch 2.5
Aufräumen 2.5
Trockenzeit 2.5

Swallow Rezension

December 15th, 2014 (Swallow Texture)

Of the three textures designed to replicate the experience of the real versions of their respective orifices, I think Swallow is the closest to doing that. Does it feel like a real blowjob? Not even close. I can definitely see the resemblance, and commend ILF for the effort, though. I own the Riley Steele version. After entering, you can feel the ribs massaging your head, like the grooves on the roof of a real mouth. You can stay there for the entire flight if you wish. Of course, real blowjobs are deeper than that, so you push further into the ultra-tight section, right? Wrong. The ultra tight section may as well be sealed shut, because hitting it simply offers a bit of resistance. It doesn't feel like "Oh my god, that's tight." It feels like the ribbed "mouth" section is simply stretching a little to accommodate. That's not to say this doesn't feel good. I'd actually argue that this is similar to real oral sex; most people cannot get a penis down their throats, but we sure try to shove it down. I think this sleeve mirrors those aspects of oral sex well. On the other hand, I don't think there's enough lube in the world to properly replicate a good BJ. In addition to that, there is no tongue.

For oral sex enthusiasts, this texture may be a slight let down. However, it is a very intense ride, and is pretty realistic as far as Fleshlights go.

Punkte 3.60 Zufriedenheit 3.6
Intensität 3.5
Stimulation 3.5
Eindringgefühl 2.5
Engegefühl 1.5
Saugeffekt 2.5
Realismus 0.5
Abwechslung 2
Glattheit -
Orgasmus-Bewertung -
Geräusch -
Gleitgelverbrauch 4.5
Aufräumen 4.5
Trockenzeit 4.5

Twisted Rezension

December 15th, 2014 (Twisted Texture)

I got Twista before they renamed it and moved it to Tera's butt. I really enjoy this sleeve. To me, it feels sort of like a toned down version of the super ribbed; the spiral feel more like spaced out ribs. This is good, as the super ribbed can be a bit too much. It's a fairly loose sleeve through the majority of the length, which I enjoy for longer flights. This also allows for easier cleanup and drying time, as well as very low lube use.

One of the simplest textures; I definitely think less is more here.

Punkte 2.95 Zufriedenheit 2.95
Intensität 2.5
Stimulation 2.5
Eindringgefühl 2.5
Engegefühl 1
Saugeffekt 2.5
Realismus 4.5
Abwechslung 2.5
Glattheit -
Orgasmus-Bewertung -
Geräusch -
Gleitgelverbrauch 4.5
Aufräumen 4.5
Trockenzeit 4.5

Texas Tornado Rezension

December 15th, 2014 (Texas Tornado Texture)

I bought the Texas Tornado as Alexis' vagina before they moved it to her butt. It is easily one of the most realistic textures. As such, it doesn't provide much in the way or intensity or variation. It also isn't extremely tight. I can only imagine how much better this texture would be with the tighter butt orifice. Lube use, drying time, and cleanup are all really good with this sleeve because of its looseness and relative smoothness.

I recommend this sleeve if you enjoy long flights, prefer looser textures, or want something more on the realistic side.

Punkte 3.15 Zufriedenheit 3.15
Intensität 0.5
Stimulation 3
Eindringgefühl 4.5
Engegefühl 3.5
Saugeffekt 2.5
Realismus 3.5
Abwechslung 1.5
Glattheit -
Orgasmus-Bewertung -
Geräusch -
Gleitgelverbrauch 4.5
Aufräumen 4.5
Trockenzeit 4.5

Forbidden Rezension

December 14th, 2014 (Forbidden Texture)

I bought this sleeve with Stoya's butt. As an anal sex enthusiast, I was very excited to get my penis in Forbidden. Unfortunately, I was let down. While the sleeve isn't bad by any means, it certainly doesn't simulate anal sex. It also tends to be boring, since it is essentially just smooth. The entrance is certainly tight, but the inside doesn't have that same loose feeling that anal sex gives. In my opinion, the sleeve is just too tight to be realistic, and too smooth to be stimulating. On the plus side, it is very easy to clean and dry, and it doesn't require much lube. I also really enjoy the initial penetration, as well as the micro ribs in the first inch or so. Due to its low intensity nature, pumping through orgasm is also relatively easy with this sleeve.

Forbidden is a decent low-intensity texture, but it doesn't effectively simulate anal sex, and tends to be more boring than first meets the eye.

Punkte 3.25 Zufriedenheit 3.25
Intensität 4
Stimulation 4
Eindringgefühl 2.5
Engegefühl 1.5
Saugeffekt 1.5
Realismus 3
Abwechslung -
Glattheit -
Orgasmus-Bewertung -
Geräusch -
Gleitgelverbrauch 4.5
Aufräumen 4.5
Trockenzeit 4.5

Super Ribbed Rezension

December 14th, 2014 (Super Ribbed Texture)

I received this sleeve as a free surprise sleeve. It has the Lady orifice. To start, the ribs are very apparent; this is a very distinguishable texture. It feels great, but for long flights, the repetition can start to numb the penis. The canal is fairly wide, so lube use and drying time are particularly awesome. I tend to prefer loose sleeves, so this is a plus for me, but some may feel the sleeve is too loose.

Buy this sleeve if you prefer looser, mid-high intensity sleeves and tend to fly for shorter periods of time.

Punkte 3.34 Zufriedenheit 3.34


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