Perfil de Yarborough1337

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Usuario desde Dec 2017

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Encontrado 1 reseñas en total

Intensidad 4.25
Estimulación 3.1
Penetración 3
Estrechez 2.55
Efecto de succion 4
Realismo 4.55
Variación 4.85
Suavidad 3.8
Grado de orgasmo 4.7
Ruido 3.95
Uso de lubricante 3.2
Limpieza 1.35
Tiempo de secado 1.75

Dorcel Reseña

December 12th, 2017 (Dorcel Texture)

Lola Reve’s dorcel is an absolutely amazing fleshlight. It’s stimulation is extremely good without being too much. I have no ill words to say against it except for maybe that it takes a while to dry, but that’s to be expected. The fleshlight has a great feeling to it and it doesn’t seem to lose that either. I can fully say that it was an excellent purchase and I would not hesitate to buy it again. Overall an extremely recommended product.

Overall an amazing fleshlight. There are no drawbacks except for the fact of drying it takes awhile. Lola Reve is simply astonishing.

Puntuación 3.54 Satisfacción Gral. 4.5

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