Profil von Fan01

Fan01 Profilbild

Benutzer seit Jan 2024

Penislänge: 20cm
Umfang: 15cm

Über mich

Fan01 AKA Master bater

Rezensionen Einleitung

7.9" L x 5.9" G, Cut, I have been using FL since 2018, I don't mind a goodlooking orifice but am in it for the textures. I enjoy a variation of both tight and open orifice. Ballsdeep, stimulation on and under the head is where it's at for me.

7 Rezensionen gefunden

Intensität 3.45
Stimulation 3.85
Eindringgefühl 4.5
Engegefühl 4.4
Saugeffekt 4.55
Realismus 2.95
Abwechslung 3.6
Glattheit 4.55
Orgasmus-Bewertung 4.05
Geräusch 4.05
Gleitgelverbrauch 4
Aufräumen 4.1
Trockenzeit 4.1

Crystal Rezension

January 17th, 2024 (Crystal Texture)

I got this one for the gimmick. It does deliver, great fun to look at and play with. This is the one when you have fun with other people. Texture is decent but nothing crazy, entry, tightness, orgasm intensity, nothing stands out. Also weirdly sticky, this is not something I noticed when using but you do when cleaning. This is kind of a must have if you have more sleeve, it stimulates senses the normal ones don't.

I would rate this 2 ways: Solo- it is fun for the visual so it get's a top 5 rating. Duo- I rate this the top pick, for the gimmick and fun.

Punkte 4.03 Zufriedenheit 4.2
Intensität 4.5
Stimulation 4.9
Eindringgefühl 4.6
Engegefühl 3.4
Saugeffekt 4
Realismus 4.05
Abwechslung 4.5
Glattheit 4.55
Orgasmus-Bewertung 4.9
Geräusch 3.95
Gleitgelverbrauch 4.1
Aufräumen 4.1
Trockenzeit 4

Stellar Rezension

January 17th, 2024 (Stellar Texture)

Right up my alley, I was looking for something intense and stimulating and boy did I struck gold. Visually is it looks great. The entry is just tight enough, You are welcomed by band after band, you can't make sense of the positioning of them, but they stimulate all the right places over the entire length of the shaft and head.
Orgasm is very intense, it will take your breath away.

I rate this top 3, amazing FL and a must have for any connoisseur of stimulation.

Punkte 4.32 Zufriedenheit 4.95
Intensität 3.05
Stimulation 4
Eindringgefühl 4.5
Engegefühl 4.95
Saugeffekt 3.95
Realismus 4.1
Abwechslung 3.55
Glattheit 4
Orgasmus-Bewertung 3.55
Geräusch 4.5
Gleitgelverbrauch 4.05
Aufräumen 3.95
Trockenzeit 4.05

Boss Level Rezension

January 17th, 2024 (Boss Level Texture)

This is a nice one, depending on what you want out the session. Visually it is pleasing. The entry really tight, first chamber a bit looser but because ot the texture it does grip the shaft a bit. Overall this one is tight, and just tight. I can't really feel any textures in this, so the orgasm is pretty mild.

I would rate this above average. If you are into 'really tight', this one is the one for you.

Punkte 4.02 Zufriedenheit 4.05
Intensität 4.4
Stimulation 4.35
Eindringgefühl 3.5
Engegefühl 3
Saugeffekt 4.05
Realismus 1.6
Abwechslung 3.05
Glattheit 1.95
Orgasmus-Bewertung 3
Geräusch 4
Gleitgelverbrauch 3.85
Aufräumen 3.5
Trockenzeit 4

Destroya Rezension

January 17th, 2024 (Destroya Texture)

The classic, I get why it is rated high. It looks great, entry feels nice, not to tight. first and second chamber feel similar. The ridges at the end actually feel amazing, they really do a number on the edge of your head. Not to powerfull but you feel it. For a longer session though this is not it. The pointy bumbs tend to irritate the skin on my shaft after a while.

I rate this very average, I get why it is a succes. But it does not come near my top.

Punkte 3.38 Zufriedenheit 3
Intensität 3.95
Stimulation 4.05
Eindringgefühl 4.5
Engegefühl 4.5
Saugeffekt 4.05
Realismus 2.5
Abwechslung 3.9
Glattheit 3.05
Orgasmus-Bewertung 3.6
Geräusch 3.9
Gleitgelverbrauch 3.95
Aufräumen 3.85
Trockenzeit 4

Peaches Rezension

January 17th, 2024 (Peaches Texture)

So I have a love hate relationship with this one. It looks nice, tight entry, stimulation is great. I love the thicker droplets at the end, feels like a massage on your head.
You can feel the textures , I would rate it allot higher if not for the suction cups in the middle. In a longer session they just grip to tightly and rub your skin to roughly.

Would rate this one below average. Hit or miss for me, for short session it's nice, for the long one not so much.

Punkte 3.78 Zufriedenheit 3.1
Intensität 3.5
Stimulation 3.55
Eindringgefühl 4.4
Engegefühl 4.5
Saugeffekt 3.5
Realismus 2.95
Abwechslung 3.55
Glattheit 4.55
Orgasmus-Bewertung 3.6
Geräusch 4.05
Gleitgelverbrauch 4.5
Aufräumen 4.45
Trockenzeit 4.55

Majestic Rezension

January 16th, 2024 (Majestic Texture)

This one is something else. A great pick overall, tight entry and it stays decently tight over the entire length,
not too stimulating so it's good for edging. If you can reach it you get this band that pops on the edge of your head and it feels awesome.

I score this one pretty high up there and would think you won't regret picking this one up. Not my top pick, but great to have in your rotation.

Punkte 3.98 Zufriedenheit 4
Intensität 4.55
Stimulation 4.85
Eindringgefühl 3
Engegefühl 3.5
Saugeffekt 3.9
Realismus 1.9
Abwechslung 1.85
Glattheit 1.9
Orgasmus-Bewertung 3.5
Geräusch 4
Gleitgelverbrauch 4.05
Aufräumen 3
Trockenzeit 3

Obsession-Bliss Rezension

January 16th, 2024 (Obsession-Bliss Texture)

Chasing stimulation and intension, at first glance this seemed like it would do the trick.
It does, but for me not in a good way.

Positives are, Nice looking. Tight, and the deeper you go the tighter it gets. Very intense and stimulating, you can feel all the bumps.

So why don't I like it, well it hurts. The bumps have a pointy end and are facing towards you. This left me sore.

I don't like this one, it has been demoted to decoration. It is extreme and I'm sure some guys can enjoy that.

Punkte 3.21 Zufriedenheit 1.95


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