Profil von Dieinhell100

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Benutzer seit Dec 2022

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2 Rezensionen gefunden

Intensität 3
Stimulation 3
Eindringgefühl 2.95
Engegefühl 2.5
Saugeffekt 4
Realismus 2.95
Abwechslung 1
Glattheit 3.95
Orgasmus-Bewertung 3.05
Geräusch 4
Gleitgelverbrauch -
Aufräumen 4
Trockenzeit 4.1

Punk-Charmer Rezension

November 27th, 2022 (Punk-Charmer Texture)

I like really stimulating sleeves and when this came out it sounded like this was going to be a contender with Obsession and Destroya, so I bought it. It is not. It's certainly well and good but it's not even in the same ballpark as the actually intense sleeves. It just doesn't have the same stimulation nor does it give a powerful orgasm. It feels practically the same all the way down. This one really just missed the mark for me.

If you want an intense sleeve, look elsewhere. This doesn't deliver.

Punkte 3.19 Zufriedenheit 3
Intensität 5
Stimulation 5
Eindringgefühl 3.45
Engegefühl 4.15
Saugeffekt 5
Realismus -
Abwechslung -
Glattheit -
Orgasmus-Bewertung 5
Geräusch 4.25
Gleitgelverbrauch -
Aufräumen 3.05
Trockenzeit 0.15

Obsession-Bliss Rezension

November 26th, 2022 (Obsession-Bliss Texture)

This was my very first sleeve that I bought around 7 years ago, which I still have to this day. I wanted the most stimulating sleeve they had at the time and boy did it deliver. It's timeless, as it still holds up as one of the most intense sleeves FL has created! I usually last a long time in bed, but when I first got this, I could barely even move inside of it. If you enjoy only the most pleasurable sleeves FL has to offer, you MUST have this in your collection as it was and still is THE sleeve for super stimulation. It may not have the variation of newer sleeves but you'll come to realize this sleeve took out the variation and filled it with only the 'good part'.

All that said, the finger-like nubs give this thing a lot of crevices and surface area that can be hard to dry. Personally for sleeves with a lot of texture like this one, I use higher water pressure like from a bathtub faucet or a high pressure shower head, so cleaning itself doesn't take long. It's the drying that does. You can have this particular sleeve sitting out for 2 days and it may very well still be wet inside without a fan or drying stand. My suggestion would be to use a diatomite stick. Put one in and rub it around vigorously to dry the inside quickly.

Timeless sleeve known for reigning supreme in stimulation, but can take a while to dry with standard drying methods.

Punkte 4.01 Zufriedenheit 5


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