Profil von Diego138

Diego138 Profilbild

Benutzer seit May 2019

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1 Rezensionen gefunden

Intensität 5
Stimulation 5
Eindringgefühl 5
Engegefühl 4.5
Saugeffekt 3.8
Realismus 1.45
Abwechslung 1
Glattheit -
Orgasmus-Bewertung 5
Geräusch 1.45
Gleitgelverbrauch 2.45
Aufräumen 0.65
Trockenzeit 0.4

Punk-Charmer Rezension

May 8th, 2019 (Punk-Charmer Texture)

The most intense flashlight in my experience. It doesn’t let up with its hard ridges and constant stimulation. I solely look for fleshlights that will be the most intense hardest orgasm inducing. This is it for me.

Clean up is a bit tricky, again with all those ridges and being a tight orfice. You’re gonna need just some lube not a whole lot if you don’t want to take away from the roughness of the intensity, the ridges hold in the lube quite well.

Orgasm-wise it has you involuntarily shaking your legs. You’re gonna start feeling like your nerves are going to explode. One of the hardest orgasms to gave solely on its stimulating feel.

Absolutely the most intense flashlight. Unrelenting, unforgiving, intensity and stimulation. Incredible penetration.

Punkte 3.13 Zufriedenheit 5


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