Tera’s pussy is very smooth… very mild for the most part. I couldn’t really sense any variation on the inside. Although smooth, still feels very good. However, midstream I had to get my Go Surge because I felt like I needed something more intense. I could defiantly feel the difference, but even with Emily I was still having a hard time cumming. I went back and forth between girls and when I got back in Terra I really liked it allot (almost more than the Go Surge)… the silky smooth feeling is so nice. But I still went back to Emily because I wanted to cum. Finally, I ended up watching one my all time fav vids and it didn’t take long for me to cum after that. I think overall excitement had something to do with it for that reason. Otherwise, I think I woulda came right away with the Go Surge. This was at least a 30 min session. Also, prior to this I had gone three days in a row and skipped one day well almost one day since this was the afternoon. Anyway, think I need a good two day break now.
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