Flex Nicole Aniston

Fleshlight Girls
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Nicole Aniston ist für ihren Hardbody und erstaunliche Physik bekannt. Seit Jahren verließ sie ihre Fans sehnen sich zu sehen sie anal sex auf dem Bildschirm und sie bekam ihren Wunsch in 2017. Nun, Sie können das komplizierte Vergnügen fühlen, ihren engen Arsch zu schlagen, wie wir Ihnen Flex ihre benutzerdefinierte anal Fleshlight geben. Mit ihrem Flex Butt Sleeve können Sie in der Steuerung sein und sehen, worum es geht.


Flex Kanal Bild

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Nicole Aniston Headshot
Nicole Aniston

Aniston trat 2010 in die erwachsene Filmindustrie ein und ist seitdem in über 100 Filmen erschienen. Sie war die August 2012 Penthouse Pet des Monats und die 2013 Penthouse Pet of the Year....

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Alle 4 Rezensionen anzeigen

El_Golfo Rezension

April 25th, 2020 von El_Golfo

It finally arrived Friday. Needless to say I was quite excited and ready to take this flight. Been eyeing the anal sleeves for quite sometime. Coming down to the choice was tough as it was either this or Lana’s Karma texture. I’m very happy with the purchase/

First off the orifice is great to look at. Maybe it’s just me but this sleeve definitely has a different feel to it... Weiterlesen

Vereinigte Staaten Europa Kanada Australien
Sleeve Only$59.95€64.95$89.95$81.77

Fleshlight Girls


Nicole Aniston's Butt


August 2018



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Fleshlight Flex Rezensionen

4 Rezensionen gefunden

Intensität 4
Stimulation 4.25
Eindringgefühl 4.25
Engegefühl 4
Saugeffekt 3.5
Realismus 3.75
Abwechslung 4
Glattheit 3.75
Orgasmus-Bewertung 4.25
Geräusch 3.5
Gleitgelverbrauch 3.5
Aufräumen 3.7
Trockenzeit 3.5
El_Golfo Avatar

El_Golfo Rezension

April 25th, 2020 von El_Golfo
Besitzt 3 Inserts, 2 Bewertungen, 2 Rezensionen

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It finally arrived Friday. Needless to say I was quite excited and ready to take this flight. Been eyeing the anal sleeves for quite sometime. Coming down to the choice was tough as it was either this or Lana’s Karma texture. I’m very happy with the purchase/

First off the orifice is great to look at. Maybe it’s just me but this sleeve definitely has a different feel to it than my Eden. When it came to lubing up and entering the Flex I was ready. Entrance is great I love poking in.

The rings are amazing. I can feel the all of the nuances of the sleeve all around my member. It’s tight, and I don’t feel myself going overboard with the lube. Harder pumps get more noise but overall it’s not on the loud side.

The finish is great. Slow build up and amazing completion into the sleeve. Very drained, very earned orgasm. Should have never slept on these anal sleeves.

This being my first anal sleeve I enjoyed it very much. I’d recommend it to anyone wanting a tight structure with varying feeling to it. Looks great, feels great, and it’s tight how I like. So far I’ve used it 3 times and still counting.

Punkte 3.85 Zufriedenheit 4
1 Danke
Intensität 4.45
Stimulation 4.5
Eindringgefühl 3.45
Engegefühl 3.95
Saugeffekt 4.25
Realismus 4
Abwechslung 4.6
Glattheit 4.25
Orgasmus-Bewertung 4.55
Geräusch 3.45
Gleitgelverbrauch 3.4
Aufräumen 3.6
Trockenzeit 3.65
OrbitCulture Avatar

OrbitCulture Rezension

May 5th, 2024 von OrbitCulture
Besitzt 4 Inserts, 3 Bewertungen, 3 Rezensionen

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I had a good feeling about this sleeve just from the looks of the texture. The looks are nice, and the initial penetration is typical of any anal sleeve. Where this one excels is in its variation. The initial ribs feel amazing all the way through, and the change to a tighter, bumpy section is an amazing follow up. It’s fairly tight as well, once you get to that second and third chamber. An amazing sleeve, up there with my favorites

A criminally underrated sleeve that truly believes that variety is the spice of life

Punkte 4.08 Zufriedenheit 4.95
Intensität 3.9
Stimulation 3.1
Eindringgefühl 3.55
Engegefühl 3.8
Saugeffekt 3.8
Realismus 3.35
Abwechslung 2
Glattheit 2.85
Orgasmus-Bewertung 3.55
Geräusch 2.55
Gleitgelverbrauch 3.35
Aufräumen 3.2
Trockenzeit 2.85
LanceOak Avatar

LanceOak Rezension

August 17th, 2023 von LanceOak
Besitzt 17 Inserts, 4 Bewertungen, 4 Rezensionen

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The entrance hole could be better but it pays off once inside because its tight. Need lot of lube and it feels sliding easy in the first chamber. after you can regulate the level of suction with cap on for a more intense and gripping pleasure due to the ribbed texture. The next chambers will suck everything out of you, but you still can handle it and increasing the speed will make you want to go further. It just doesn't feel so intense at the beginning.

The orgasm is good but could be a more pleasant and intense experience if it wasn't the low level of variation. Still worth it.

Punkte 3.30 Zufriedenheit 4.3
Intensität 3.85
Stimulation 3.9
Eindringgefühl 3.8
Engegefühl 3.9
Saugeffekt 4
Realismus -
Abwechslung 3.55
Glattheit 3.2
Orgasmus-Bewertung 4.3
Geräusch 3.2
Gleitgelverbrauch 3.8
Aufräumen -
Trockenzeit -
Mccal100 Avatar

Mccal100 Rezension

March 1st, 2021 von Mccal100
Penislänge: 5.25cm Umfang: 5cm
Besitzt 135 Inserts, 92 Bewertungen, 28 Rezensionen

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A rundown of my personal experience, after at least 3 flights, (usually more) with the sleeve and texture, chamber by chamber. Check out my profile if you’d like to see the rating scale/criteria I use and a bit of background info for more context. Now onto the review!

Flex is one of my top sleeves due to it’s very high suction, incredible stimulation, and solid intensity. The initial ribs are the perfect size for ideal stimulation and intensity, which provides an especially nice feeling on the glans on the entrance and when pulling out slowly, allowing each rib to glide over your head. When pumping slowly, you can feel each rib offer resistance and eventually give in on the down thrust, bringing you to the next rib in line to do the same. The following bumps provide a nice change of pace, while still being quite noticeable and only slightly less stimulating then the previous chamber. Having the head stimulated by these bumps while shaft is thrusting back and forth on the ribs allows for a pleasant flight without being too overwhelming and giving you the ability to stay in complete control. The lattice texture, in contrast, is very mild, and can be used as relief when thrusting deeper, since it’s a relatively smooth chamber overall.

An awesome anal sleeve that seems to have slipped through the cracks, being overlooked by newer and/or more popular sleeves in the category. A solid sleeper pick for the top 10 anal sleeves Fleshlight has to offer

Punkte 3.82 Zufriedenheit 4.55

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Fleshlight Flex und Nicole Aniston


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Vereinigte Staaten Europa Kanada Australien
Fleshlight Komplett$79.95€79.95$109.95$103.59
Fleshlight Insert$59.95€64.95$89.95$81.77

(*) Official Preise wurden zuletzt am May 20, 2024, 1:00PM GMT abgerufen und aktualisiert.

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